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Face the Music (COBRA Securities Book 9) Page 11


  Luke hugged his brother, saying a prayer of thanks that he’d made it back safely. “When did you get in?”

  Grant’s eyes were following the tutor as she raced down the stairs, her face flaming red. “A few minutes ago. I figured Tuck wouldn’t be able to keep a secret. So, who was that again?”

  “She’s a tutor I hired for the children.”

  Grant’s eyes goggled. “Children? Dude, how long have I been gone?”

  Luke chuckled. “The children are from a case I’m working.”

  “Since when did you start working cases?”

  He turned around and motioned Layla forward. She gave a small wave.

  “I’m feeling decidedly underdressed, bro,” Grant mock-whispered. “I was just about to hit the shower when I noticed all of the womanly things in my room.”

  “Sorry about that,” Layla said. “I kinda hijacked your room.”

  “Bro, you’re my hero man, always have been, but you’re losing your touch if you’re making your gorgeous girlfriend sleep in a different bedroom.” He wagged his brows and winked at Layla. Luke slugged him, narrowing his eyes when Grant winced. Even though his brother was standing in front of him, his eyes were haunted. Something was wrong. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ve been better.” He held out his hand, halting further questioning. “Grant Colton.”

  Layla looked at Luke before she shook Grant’s hand. “Layla Brooks. Nice to meet you.”

  Luke saw the minute recognition dawned in Grant’s eyes. “Holy shit…sorry, ma’am. Shitakes. The Layla Brooks?”

  Luke noticed he hadn’t let go of her yet. He slapped Grant’s hand away. “It’s a long story.”

  “Ma’am?” Layla gasped at the same time.

  Grant’s smile was chagrined. “Sorry. Habit.”

  Luke checked his watch. “How long are you here?”

  “Couple of hours,” Grant replied and Luke’s heart sank.

  “That’s all?”

  “I have something I need to do.”

  The haunted look was back. Luke couldn’t stand to see his brother in pain. “I have to get on a plane in a couple of hours for the case.”

  “Where are you headed?”


  “Can I tag along? I need to visit someone in Alabama.”

  “Absolutely. I’ll have the pilot take you where you need to go.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  Luke asked softly, “Did you lose one?”

  Grant closed his eyes. “Two.”

  Shit, that meant Grant would be headed to visit two grieving families. He’d only had to do it a couple of times, but it took so much out of him.

  “Go ahead and shower. Grab a nap if you need to. We leave in two hours.”

  “I want to stop and see Kait and Ben before we go.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you in the offices.” He hugged Grant again and then guided Layla from the house.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Talia Cohen used the flight to Georgia to learn all she could about Senator Eugene Mullins. It was hard to reconcile the man the media had turned into a tragic hero with the monster she knew him to be. She flipped a page and stared at his picture. He was sophisticated and handsome, but when you looked at his eyes, they were dead. She shivered. She’d had to get close to men before when she was with Mossad, so the assignment should be a piece of cake. It was her first with COBRA Securities and she wanted to excel.

  This job meant everything to her. She’d managed to wiggle out from under her father’s domineering hand. She’d defied him when she left Israel and moved back to the States. If he never spoke to her again, she’d be fine. More than fine. She would do a happy dance.

  Wyatt Hollister, a fellow agent and the back-up pilot, landed the plane. One of their fleet vehicles was waiting for them, along with Sawyer Oldham, who had driven it down. He and Wyatt were heading back while Luke stayed. They had flown out of their way to drop Luke’s brother off in Alabama. She wasn’t sure what that was about, but his brother looked very troubled. She could tell that Luke was worried about him.

  They ate dinner at a nice restaurant, discussing details of the case over steak and baked potatoes. Once the meal was over, they headed to the house where Luke would set up shop. Even if she didn’t get the position as Mullins’ yoga instructor, she would stay and work surveillance with Luke while they figured out a way to get inside the house to search for the diary.

  After a good night’s sleep, she woke early and ran through yoga moves to loosen up. Her first job with her new company and she wanted to do well. Making sure she was offered this position was crucial.

  Wearing a baseball cap and dark glasses, Luke backed out of the garage and parked at a strip mall a few blocks away. He rifled through a box in the back and located magnetic signs that advertised a taxi service. After affixing the placards to the doors, he drove her to Mullins’ house.

  He bid her good luck and she was out the door and climbing the steps. The red brick house was ostentatious and screamed old money, from the wide white columns supporting the porch to the ivy covering one wall. She surreptitiously catalogued the cameras along the perimeter. Mullins didn’t have outside guards but he did employ a small security staff. Once his presidential campaign kicked into gear, he would need to beef up security. She rang the bell and smiled when an older woman with gray hair answered. This must be Mrs. Anders, the housekeeper. Peter provided her with a list of employees. Mullins had a smaller crew than she expected.

  “Hello, my name is Talia Levy. I have an interview with Mr. Mullins.”

  “Yes, he’s expecting you. Please, come in.”

  The woman held the door open and Talia stepped inside, marveling at the southern architecture that turned the home into a showpiece. The round entry was covered in Italian marble with gold veining. Arched entries supported by columns led to two long hallways. A vase brimming with fresh flowers greeted visitors alongside a statue that looked like an original someone. She didn’t know sculptors, just that it looked ridiculously expensive. Everything was costly and tasteful, but it felt like a mausoleum instead of a home. Directly ahead was a wide staircase…the one that took the life of Layla’s mother.

  “Please have a seat. Mr. Mullins will be out to get you soon.” The woman indicated a brocade bench lining one wall.

  “Thank you.” She eased to the cushion and crossed one leg over the other. Her makeup was flawless, her hair down and blown out in soft waves. Her clothes were flattering but tasteful and her perfume subtle. Though she loathed to do so, she had learned how to play up her sexuality with Mossad. She needed to make sure Mullins hired her and if using sex appeal was the key, so be it. She’d use any weapon in her arsenal.

  “Ms. Levy?”

  She turned at the deep voice and barely managed to stifle a gasp. This man was definitely not Mullins. He was tall and muscular with blond hair and mesmerizing gray eyes. “Yes?”

  “Senator Mullins will see you now.”

  She grabbed her bag and stood. At five seven, she was used to towering over men when she wore heels, except for her new coworkers. Even with her four inch stilettos, this man was inches taller. Walking in killer shoes without breaking an ankle was another learned skill. She smiled. “Lead the way.”

  Her eyes travelled from broad shoulders outlined in a polo shirt to a spectacular ass beneath charcoal gray dress pants. Whew, this man was as gorgeous as her new coworkers.

  He rapped once on a door, opened it and indicated for her to enter. “Here we are.”

  She thanked him and accidently on purpose brushed against him as she sashayed inside. She couldn’t suppress a smile at his sharply inhaled breath. Unfortunately, Mullins mistook it to be aimed at him and smiled back.

  “Well, well, welcome, Miss, ah,” he glanced down at his desk, “Levy.” His smile was predatory. “Aren’t you lovely. Please have a seat.”

  “Namaste,” she greeted, bowing her head. Hey, might as well get i
nto character right away. She glided forward, adding extra swing into her gait strictly for blondie’s benefit. Over her shoulder, she noticed that he had stayed inside when he closed the door, and that his gaze was glued to her backside. She withdrew the documents the COBRA Securities team put together and artfully tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Here is my resume, Senator. As you can see, I have extensive experience in personal training and in teaching yoga.”

  Mullins barely took his eyes off her to glance at the paper. “You know who I am?”

  She looked up, starry-eyed. “Why, yes, you’re a United States Senator.”

  He puffed out his chest. “I’m more than that. I’m a candidate for president of the United States.” He held a finger up. “The top candidate per most polls.”

  She rounded her eyes, trying to look suitably impressed.

  He steepled his fingers and rested them under his chin. “Why should I hire you, Talia? Can I call you Talia?” His beady gaze was intense and she fought the urge to shudder.

  “Please, I insist. You should hire me because I am very good at what I do.”

  “I’m sure you are,” he murmured. His eyes took a leisurely stroll down her body. She wanted to land a haymaker to his jaw. He looked like a bleeder. “Malone, tell my secretary to call the other two and inform them the position’s been filled.” He stood and held out a hand. “You’re hired, Ms. Levy.”

  She blinked in shock. That was it? What kind of interview was this? He’d hardly asked any questions. Still, gift horse and all that. “Thank you so much, Senator.” She stood and shook his hand, batting her lashes, silently telegraphing for him to release her. When he didn’t seem like he would anytime soon, she pulled her hand away and sat. “I am afraid I am not from this area so I will need to look for a place to stay. Can you recommend something for me?”

  “We’ll only be here for a few weeks and then we’ll return to my townhome in the District of Columbia. Didn’t the agency tell you this?”

  “I’m afraid they did not.” She chewed her lip, trying to look vulnerable. “I’m sure I can find a month-to-month apartment.”

  Mullins spread his hands. “Tell you what. I’ll knock the salary down a bit and include room and board. I have plenty of space here.”

  The man behind her coughed but she ignored him.

  She placed a palm against her breast. “Oh, thank you so much, Senator. That means so much to me.”

  “Malone, show Ms. Levy to the Cabbage Rose room.” He stood. “I’ll send my secretary to you with a contract. We need to get you signed today. She’s leaving tomorrow and won’t return for two weeks. Get situated. Look around. We’ll start first thing in the morning.”

  She smiled and grabbed her bag as she stood. Malone opened the door and waited for her to exit. “This way.” He led her up the stairs and down a carpeted hallway. She catalogued the rooms as she passed, looking at entries and exits. She had an ace up her sleeve that she hoped Mullins knew nothing about. In fact, she was counting on it.

  “Here you go.” Malone stopped at a door and opened it.

  “Thank you. I need to run down and grab my luggage and send the taxi driver on his way.” According to Peter’s research, Hunter Malone was Mullins’ newest hire to his security force. “So, are you Senator Mullins’ assistant?”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “I’m security.”

  She placed her fingers over her mouth. “Oops. Sorry. Will you be joining in the yoga classes?” She squeezed his biceps and tried not to gasp. His arm was as solid as a tree trunk. “We will get you all toned up in no time.”

  His eyes were mere slits now. Playing a bubblehead wasn’t easy. He flicked one last glance at her and strode away. She watched him move down the hallway, hoping he did join in the classes. She shook her head. She shouldn’t be having naughty thoughts about a member of Mullins’ staff. No doubt the man was just as crooked and immoral as his boss. She spun around, stepped inside the room and almost gagged. Huge pink flowers covered the walls, the bedspread, the rugs. It was like a flower shop threw up. How would she ever sleep in here?

  She placed her purse on the bed. It contained her fake documents. She wouldn’t put it past Malone to snoop. She’d do the same in his shoes. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a small camera. She’d only brought one in case she was searched. The rest were in her suitcase. She attached it on the wall facing the bed. “Let’s just see if Mr. Malone decides to spy on little ol’ me.”


  Luke finished setting up the surveillance equipment aimed at Mullins’ house. He had a perfect view of the driveway and entry. The range would work for their cameras and listening devices.

  When Talia returned to the SUV to let him know she’d been offered the job plus room and board, he’d congratulated her and called Logan to let him know they were in. On top of finding Layla’s mother’s diary, Talia’s mission would be to plant bugs inside Mullins office so they could gather proof of his crimes. The devices would broadcast to a program on his computer so he could watch and listen in real time.

  Gathering evidence of Mullins’ crimes would be tricky. The tapes would be inadmissible in court since they’d obtained the information illegally. Their hope would be to hear of plans for a meeting they could raid or compile enough data to force the authorities to investigate.

  Until Talia secured the bugs in place, Luke had nothing to do. He padded downstairs and glanced around the house. It was outfitted with designer furniture hoping to lure a buyer. It’d been on the market for months without a nibble, which was why the owners were receptive to the month-long rental. Though large and pricy, unlike Mullins’ southern plantation house, this one was newer construction without the classic architecture or history. The outside was covered in cedar shake shingles and the inside was modern and fresh.

  He grabbed an apple from the fridge and headed back upstairs. He’d condensed all his belongings to the one bedroom overlooking Mullins’ property. It featured an attached bath, fireplace with a seating area and a king-sized bed. A large television was mounted above the mantle and the cable worked, so he’d be able to keep up with sports scores and the drone would help alleviate boredom.

  He tossed the core in the trash and sat at the desk, leaning back in the chair and clasping his hands behind his head. He’d forgotten how boring surveillance could be. Most of the time, it was sitting around doing nothing. He wished he could’ve talked Grant into coming with him. He’d love to catch up with his younger brother and find out what put that haunted look in his eye. Chances were, Luke would never know. Most of Grant’s missions were highly classified. He couldn’t discuss the details with anyone who wasn’t read in. Something bad had happened and two men were dead. More than likely, their own families would never know the circumstances that led to their loved one’s death.

  Grant was nearing his re-up date. Every time one approached, Luke held his breath, hoping this would be the one where he decided to call it quits. He’d given fifteen years of his life to the Navy. Luke figured it was time they gave him back to his family.

  Even if Grant decided not to re-sign, there wasn’t a guarantee he’d want a job with Luke’s company. He knew he had one whenever he wanted but so far, he hadn’t accepted. Still, Luke kept an office empty, waiting for Grant to fill the chair. It was his dream to have both of his brothers working alongside him. And, he guessed he should add his brother-in-law as well. They were almost family. He’d never tell him, but he’d considered Dan a brother for a long time.

  After they dropped Grant off in Alabama, he was renting a car and then driving to Texas. He wasn’t sure of his time frame. Luke knew he wanted time alone to come to terms with whatever happened. He just hoped he’d make his way back home soon.

  When Grant arrived at the offices after showering, he’d been greeted like the returning war hero he was and it’d brought a lump to Luke’s throat. He was so damn proud of him. The women fawned all over him, the men slapped his back and shook his hand. Luke even h
eard Layla sigh when she spotted him clean-shaven and hair neatly trimmed, thanks to Ben. Kaitlyn had clung to one arm, Isabella the other. Both refused to let go. Isabella had slapped a sparkly red heart on Grant’s forehead and he wore it like a badge of honor. Luke chuckled, wondering if he’d remembered to take it off after deplaning.

  A commercial jingle played in the background, the woman’s smoky voice reminding him of Layla. He wondered what she was doing right now. She was still pissed at him for not allowing her to come along, but he refused to feel guilty. It was just too dangerous. They couldn’t risk Mullins or one of his associates recognizing her. She wasn’t trained and she didn’t know how to use a weapon. If something happened to her, he’d never forgive himself.

  He hoped having Melody stay with her would be a blessing. She’d been taking care of the kids on her own for a year. With Melody working with them on their studies and helping around the house, Layla would be able to rest, relax and figure out her plans once Mullins was behind bars. The man would pay for what he’d done to Layla, her siblings and her mother…Luke would make sure of it.

  He’d been gob smacked when first Sean and then Tiffany hugged him tight, both whispering their thanks as he was leaving. He’d grown close to the two…as well as their older sister. He missed them already.

  Pulling out his phone, he sent a quick text to Layla.


  Layla affected a calm she didn’t feel reclining in Luke’s living room with Jade Bradley—she had to get used to calling her that—and Taylor Costa. Her body language conveyed cool and relaxed when she felt anything but. Her nerves were strung tighter than a noose.

  She and Taylor were each enjoying a glass of wine while Jade frowned at a bottled water. She was still nursing. The kids were playing Monopoly with Melody in Luke’s basement game room. She hadn’t meant to use the woman as a babysitter, but the kids wanted to play and she’d offered. It provided Layla the perfect opportunity to call Jade and Taylor to enlist their help.