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  Chapter Fourteen

  Hunter started the engine in the van and waited for Elijah to slide inside. He wasn’t looking forward to spending hours in the vehicle with the man but hopefully he could pry some information from him…and give Talia plenty of time to touch base with their target.

  At least Elijah looked normal today, wearing jeans and a polo shirt, his shoulder-length hair fastened into a plait. If he’d showed up in his flowing robes, his hair wild and uncombed, Hunter would’ve scrounged up a baseball cap to wear with his shades. “Are you ready, Lightkeeper?” It galled him to call the man that, but he’d play the game as long as needed until they completed the mission.

  Elijah snapped the seat belt in place. “Since it’s just us today, call me Elijah.”

  “Okay, Elijah.” He backed out of the garage and headed for the exit. Elijah pushed the button to lower the drawbridge. “This place is incredible,” he said as he waited for the bridge to lower. “Did you have someone design it?”

  “Yes,” Elijah said. “Me.”

  Hunter lifted his brows in fake awe. “You came up with all of this? You did an amazing job.”

  Elijah smiled with pride. “Thank you. I think so, as well. I wanted someplace that was grand, yet comforting. A place where my people would want to spend the rest of their lives devoted to God and the Lightkeepers.”

  Gag. “I’ve noticed that you take security seriously. Being that it was my former occupation, I appreciate that.” The ramp settled into place and he started across, the van jolting as they drove over the concrete bridge.

  “Security is very important to me,” Elijah agreed. “I want the flock to feel safe. I wanted a place where you didn’t have to lock doors, or worry about strangers trying to steal from you or rape your wife.”

  And a place where you could voyeur on your neighbors at will? Hunter wisely left that unsaid.

  “Have you had problems with security?” Besides harboring a killer amongst the ranks.

  “No, but I don’t want to take chances. I’ve seen planes flying overhead and I know it’s the government, trying to spy on us. Harm us. They’re out to get us.”

  Maybe not the government, but definitely COBRA Securities.

  “They want to extinguish our light.”

  Seriously? Hunter wanted to tell him to cut the crap. It was just the two of them and he didn’t need to act like the sanctimonious scion of righteousness. He wisely left that unsaid, as well.

  “You know, Henry, now that you have pledged your allegiance to the Church of Light, knowing your background and credentials, I’d like for you to take over the security duties. It will be your responsibility to keep the flock safe.”

  “It would be my honor.” He’d start by hauling Elijah off to federal prison. “The compound is walled off and surrounded by the moat. Is the drawbridge the only exit?”

  “Yes, it is. I know that’s probably not ideal, but I thought it was best for safety reasons. No one will be able to get in without our knowing it. No sneaking in through a back entrance or breaching the wall.”

  Hunter would bet his right arm there was another exit somewhere. No one was that stupid to have only one way out. Did he learn nothing from The Who concert disaster in Cincinnati? Give people only one entry or exit, and there will be a surge to be the first through the doors when disaster strikes. Tragedy waiting to happen. “I noticed the chain link fence attached to the outer gate is topped with razor wire. I’m guessing it’s at least partially electricized?” At Elijah’s nod, he continued. “You have a keypad entry. With all the measures in place, I don’t see that there is a need for me. It sounds like you’ve taken care of everything.”

  “Those are the main strategies, yes. I also have devices posted in intervals along the top of the wall that will scramble any signals from the air. Big Brother won’t be watching us.”

  Oh yes, he will, Hunter thought. Elijah might think he was smart, but he’d never met Tyler Redmond. “I still don’t see a need for me.”

  “I don’t plan on leaving the compound often since I am closing the church in Denver, but I do have to venture out occasionally. I would like for you to accompany me on those trips.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Also, I’d like you to look over the entire property, make sure there are no hazards that could harm a member of the family. Their safety is my top priority.”

  “I can do that as well.” They drove for a few more miles when he asked, “What’s going to happen with Mel? Will he be allowed to stay now that his wife has passed?”

  “Yes. Mel is an important member of our flock. I refuse to hold his wife’s indiscretions against him.”

  Indiscretions? That was a strange way of describing suicide. “Good. I don’t know him well, but he showed Tina and I around yesterday and seems like a very nice man.”

  “He is. I’m not sure what he saw in Nadine. She didn’t possess the same spiritual commitment as her husband.”

  “Were you surprised by her suicide?” He would’ve liked to watch the man’s eyes for any tell, but the narrow roads demanded his attention.

  Elijah sighed. “Nadine had not been able to become pregnant. As you know, bearing the next generation is the main responsibility of the women in our flock. The others are fulfilling their commitment. Nadine felt like a failure and I am sad to say she blamed God for her inability to conceive. I tried to counsel her, comfort her. She was inconsolable. So, no, I can’t say that I’m surprised she took her life.”

  As they neared the strip mall that bordered the Church of Light, Hunter asked, “What will happen to the remaining churchgoers? The ones who attend services here who aren’t part of the flock living in the compound?”

  “It’s my hope they will find another congregation that will fulfill their spiritual needs. After you and Tina accepted the last spot into the family, I announced that the church would close. This was met with dismay and denial. There were several unhappy people, which is why I’ve asked you to accompany me today.”

  Hunter turned into the parking lot and navigated to a spot close to the door at the side of the stone building, as instructed.

  “I’ve informed the landlord that we are vacating. There are a few items I need to clear out. It shouldn’t take long.” Elijah opened the door and stepped down. He fiddled with a set of keys as he headed for the church.

  “Sinner! Heathen! You are a scourge on the earth!”

  Elijah spun at the outburst, his eyes wide in horror. Hunter sprang into action, lunging for the wild-eyed man wielding a sharp blade. The knife slashed in the air before Hunter was able to band his arms around the attacker, taking him down with a hard tackle. He banged the man’s arm on the ground, forcing him to drop the weapon with a grunt.

  “Elijah, get inside now,” Hunter ordered. “Lock the door.”

  Elijah hustled to the entrance, fumbled the key into the lock and disappeared inside, the door slamming closed in his wake.

  “Kindly remove your bony-ass knee from my right kidney.”

  Hunter bounced to his feet, yanking the man up with him. He flipped long, brown dreadlocks with a smirk. “Nice hair, mon.”

  “I know, right?” Sawyer Oldham said, whipping his head from side to side so the dreads danced along his face, his white teeth a sharp contrast to his grimy skin. “I rock the dreads, if I do say so myself.”

  “Have you looked in a mirror?”

  “Hey, don’t dis the wig. I was quite excited when I found it at a costume shop.”

  A siren wailed and then screeched to a stop, scattering gravel in its wake. A cop with mirrored shades jumped out and headed straight for them.

  “Did he get his uniform at the same shop?” Hunter asked, indicating Mason Rossi decked out in an official-looking police uniform.

  “Nah. Luke pulled some string. Suit’s legit.”

  “Nice.” Luke, their co-boss, had been a decorated police detective before he and Logan Bradley, a Navy SEAL teamed up to open COBRA Securities.r />
  Sawyer pulled a gun from beneath his shirt and passed it to Hunter. He slipped it into the waistband of his jeans, ridiculously happy to be armed again. Keeping his back to the door in case Elijah decided to poke his head outside, Hunter stealthily handed Sawyer a flash drive. “Pictures of the scene of the crime.”

  “You sure it was murder?”

  “Positive. Look at the pictures. You’ll see the inconsistencies.”

  “Any leads?”

  “Not yet. Elijah doesn’t seem too broken up about her death and he’s made a couple of strange comments. But nothing concrete yet.”

  “Any sign of the target?” Mason asked.

  “We finally spotted her last night at the funeral. Talia tried to talk to her, but she said she didn’t feel well and went back to her cabin.”

  Sawyer slid the disk in his pocket, and in the blink of an eye, his demeanor changed. “Let me go! I’m doing God’s work! He’s a sinner! A Heathen!”

  Realizing Elijah had poked his head out the door, Hunter shoved Sawyer forward. The agent stumbled, trying to break from Hunter’s hold. Mason whipped out a pair of handcuffs.

  “Get inside, dirtbag.” Hunter noted the glee in Mason’s smile when he roughly shoved Sawyer into the back of the squad car. Sawyer’s narrow-eyed glare promised retribution.

  Hunter spoke with Mason a few more minutes and then stepped back when he sped away, sirens blaring. He turned to find Elijah standing outside the door, a look of awe on his face.

  “Brother Henry, you saved my life.”

  Hunter shrugged. “I have no doubt you could’ve handled him.” He tried not to choke on the lie. He didn’t think Elijah would win a fight against a blow-up doll.

  “Yes, I could have, but I didn’t have to. You did it for me.”


  Elijah saw his life pass before his eyes when the deranged derelict came charging at him with a blade in his hand. He barely had time to throw a hand up to block him when Henry took the man to the ground in a move worthy of any MMA ring.

  Elijah was a lover, not a fighter. The thought of that sharp blade piercing his skin sent shivers down his spine. Not only would it hurt, but he was a bleeder.

  Was the sharp tang of fear, the burning in the gut the way Nadine felt before he squeezed the life from her? Elijah had to admit, he didn’t like the feeling at all. Obviously, auto-erotic asphyxiation wasn’t his thing. Instead of feeling charged and aroused, he felt sick and shaky. No, his high came from putting that fear into someone else.

  Did Henry feel the rush of adrenalin when he tackled the man? He held that man’s life in his hands. With one sharp blow, he could’ve ended his pathetic life.

  His original intent in bringing Henry along today was to find the man’s weakness and then exploit it. He wanted Tina for himself. But after today, he’d changed his mind. Henry was an asset. He could become very useful. He was big and tough and fearless. Competent. He hadn’t even blinked at the threat. He’d thrown himself into action without regard for his own safety. Elijah had no doubt he could take care of the gritty details better than Rob or Clint. After seeing him in action, Elijah wasn’t sure the man even had a weakness.

  He couldn’t cut the other two men off completely. They’d been in on the scheme from the beginning and they knew his secrets…or the ones he let them see. They brought in Margaret and Joan, two of the biggest donors and they’d padded the bank accounts quite nicely. Their money helped outfit the compound. If Rob and Clint thought they were being cut out or even replaced, they wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate. They could care less about God and his teachings, they only prayed to the almighty dollar. Both men were dangerous, and they could destroy everything he’d carefully built. He had to make sure not to offend them. He might not give Henry the entire story, but he could slowly bring him on board.

  Now watching as he manhandled the deranged man, he couldn’t help but be impressed. He never thought he’d need a bodyguard. But now that he considered it, he liked the idea. It made him seem even more important. In fact, it worked perfectly into his plans. He would tell the followers this story to let them know that there were indeed dark forces after him. They’d have to believe it with Henry’s confirmation. It would be perfect.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Hey, babe.” Hunter slid into the pew beside Talia at the amphitheater where Elijah held outdoor services. It’d taken most of the day to wrap up business in Denver after the “attack” and he hadn’t had a chance to speak with her since he’d returned. He hoped she’d been able to talk to Margaret. She met him halfway when he leaned down to kiss her. He kept the kiss light, gentle, but her taste slammed into him. Overwhelming him. He slid a hand into her hair and held the back of her head. What started as gentle turned into hungry, demanding. He would’ve kept on plundering her luscious mouth if all chatter hadn’t suddenly ceased. He reluctantly broke apart to see Elijah step up to the podium. His hand slid down until it found hers and he wound their fingers together.

  Dusk was just beginning to settle over the compound. Lights placed in strategic spots cast a soft glow over the arena. Spotlights highlighted Elijah as he stood at the dais with his arms open wide. “Brothers and sisters, I have been telling you from the beginning that there are dark forces out there.” He lowered his arms to grip the podium. “The forces are malevolent, malicious. They want to silence us. They want to take away our freedoms. They want to take away our right to pray. They want to control us. And brothers and sisters, I am here to tell you they are after me.” The crowd gasped in horror. “Yes, it’s true. They want my power. They want my control. In fact,” he paused for dramatic effect, “I had a brush with death this very morning.”


  “Lightkeeper, are you okay?”

  “Who would do this?”

  Elijah held up his hands to silence the questions and Hunter smiled to himself. “I don’t know who is responsible, but I can tell you that if not for the heroic efforts of one man, I would not be standing here before you right now. Brother Henry, stand please.”

  Hunter peered down at Talia who flashed him an adoring smile. If only. He stood, and all eyes snapped to him.

  “Brother Henry saved my life today,” Elijah continued. “Without regard for his personal safety, he crushed the dark forces before they could harm me. I am here today, safe, because of Brother Henry.”

  The group stood and clapped in appreciation, shouting out words of praise and thanks. Several people patted him on the back. Hunter lifted a hand in acknowledgement before he sat back down.

  “What the hell happened?” Talia murmured, in a move she covered with a kiss against his cheek.

  He turned and captured her too-close lips…and her surprised gasp. “Tell you later,” he whispered before turning back to watch Elijah. He was very satisfied with the look of wonder on her beautiful face.

  “God works in mysterious ways,” Elijah continued. “Brother Henry and his wife have only been with us for one day. It was God’s hand that led them here, in his infinite wisdom.”

  Hunter chuckled to himself. It wasn’t God that brought them there.

  “I have asked Brother Henry to serve as my watchkeeper and he has accepted the important task. With Brother Henry beside me, I have no doubt we can crush the dark forces that threaten our very being for good.”

  From his seat two pews forward, Rob turned and glared. He was alone, with no sign of Margaret. Hunter ignored him but felt the same biting stare from his left side. That would be Clint. They clearly weren’t happy to share the duties of Elijah’s confidants.

  Talia leaned against his side her lips so close to his ear, he shuddered when her breath touched his skin. She blew into his ear. Tease. “Looks like some people aren’t happy about that little development.”

  Hunter brushed his lips against her temple. He told himself it was to disguise whispering in her ear, but mostly he just enjoyed touching her. Smelling her. Wildflowers and something uniquely Talia. “I noticed.”
br />   “You best sleep with one eye open,” she teased.

  More than likely, he’d be sleeping with both eyes open, having her so close. Unable to touch. “Nah, I’ve got the world’s best partner watching my six.”

  Talia’s eyes widened, and he had the overwhelming urge to taste her again, so he did, brushing his lips across hers. He wanted to linger, kiss her until they were dizzy. Then he wanted to lay her down on the pew and feast on her amazing body, onlookers be damned. But Elijah’s booming voice broke through the sensual fog.

  “Brothers and sisters, this is why they are trying to silence me. They can’t do this.” Elijah raised his hands, his robes billowing when there was no breeze. What happened next, Hunter wouldn’t have believed if he hadn’t seen it. Two bolts of lightning streaked from the sky, heading directly for Elijah. They seemed to slam into him and for a moment, he glowed, but then he closed his fists, capturing the bolts. He flicked his hands open and the bolts were gone, leaving a puff of smoke in their wake.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” He had to admit, that was pretty damn impressive.

  “Lasers,” Talia sniffed.

  She was probably right, still, the special effects had the desired result, making Elijah look omnipotent. The crowd was stunned silent. Even Rob’s jaw hung open. One person started chanting, “Keeper of the light, keeper of the light,” and then other voices joined in.

  “I have the control. I have the power,” Elijah roared as the congregation continued chanting.

  “Make it look good.” Talia’s order was accompanied by an elbow to the ribs. Hunter rolled his eyes, dutifully obeyed his wife, and started chanting, feeling like a loser. If the guys back at the Bureau could see him now.


  Elijah was glad for the roomy robes as his congregation wouldn’t have been able to miss how much his stunt aroused him. He’d had the lightning set-up planned from the beginning and after the attempt today, it was the perfect time to whip it out. When he’d pushed the button to activate the hidden fan and the lasers, he prayed the system still worked. He’d tested it repeatedly before the first couple moved in, but he hadn’t had a chance since. Thankfully, they worked like a charm and he had the entire group enthralled. He’d seen the awe on the faces. Even Henry had been impressed.