Total Surrender Page 14
“Tilly. I do not like the idea of leaving her here alone. She’s fragile.”
Hunter pulled her into his arms and she sighed against him. “She’s not alone, babe. She’s got Richie, whoever he is.”
“Still, it is not safe for her to be here with a murderer on the loose.”
She tried to act all tough and unaffected, but she had the biggest heart. One he was falling for, hard and fast. “Let’s tackle Margaret first and then we can figure out what to do about Tilly.”
She pulled back to gaze at him. “You would help me?”
“Of course. We’re partners.”
He’d hand her the moon if she asked.
Chapter Eighteen
Hunter forced his arms to release Talia. They needed to get to the target while they could, and with both Rob and Elijah gone, it was the perfect opportunity. He smiled down at her, pleased at how easily she smiled back. He moved his hands down her arms to clasp hers, twining their fingers together.
They stepped outside and came face to face with Rob and Clint.
“What the hell did you do?” Rob growled.
“You were the last to drive it,” Clint accused. “You broke it.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The van, moron. It won’t start.”
This was from Rob and when Hunter took a step forward at the moron comment, he smirked when Rob took a hasty step back. “I didn’t do anything to the van except drive it.”
“Well, it won’t work now,” Clint said. “We need it and it won’t start.”
“Sorry, but I had nothing to do with it.”
“I don’t believe you,” Rob spat.
“I don’t care what you believe,” he retorted.
“You better watch your back,” Rob hissed. He started to shove him, but Hunter grabbed his hand and pressed on the pressure point that would temporarily paralyze him.
He stepped even closer until they were almost nose to…chest since Rob was shorter than him. “You listen to me, asshole. You better watch your own back. If you ever dare to touch my wife again or even look at her, remember this: I know fifty ways to kill a man without breaking a sweat. I’m thinking number twenty-seven will work nicely on you. It involves the painful removal of certain body parts and stuffing them down your esophagus until you choke to death. Capisce?”
“Brother Henry, what is going on here?”
Hunter looked up as Elijah approached. He gave one last squeeze and then released Rob’s hand, shaking his head. “Nothing, Lightkeeper. We’re just having a little discussion.”
“This is not nothing.” He gestured between the two men. “Brother Clint, tell me what happened.”
“Rob blamed Henry for the van not starting,” leaving out the part about him doing so as well, “and then told him to watch his back. Henry put Rob in some kind of Vulcan death grip and told him that if he ever touched his wife again, he’d cut his dick off and jam it down his throat.”
Elijah went deathly still except for his hands, which had balled into fists. When he spoke, his voice was low. Lethal. “Brother Rob, you dared to touch Sister Tina?”
Rob scowled at Clint and rubbed his hand. “I didn’t grope her or nothing. She tripped. I grabbed her so she wouldn’t fall.”
Elijah narrowed his eyes at Rob, whose gaze fell away. Then he marched to Talia. “Sister Tina, is this true?”
She pinned Rob with a glare and lifted her nose. “No, it is not. I was walking past. He grabbed my arm, jerking me to a stop.” She lifted her sleeve to show the bruises.
“She’s a liar!” Rob sputtered.
“Am I?” Talia questioned. “Ask Clint what happened. He was there.”
Elijah turned to Clint.
“What she said,” Clint muttered.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this, Brother Clint?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. She didn’t run screaming or anything.”
“A man brutally grabs a woman and you don’t think it’s a big deal, Brother Clint? That is not what I preach. That is not what we stand for. That is not the behavior of a member of our flock.”
“Sorry,” Clint mumbled. “Besides, for a second, Tina looked like she might kick Rob’s ass. I kinda wanted to see what would happen.”
Hunter chuckled. If he only knew.
“No effing way she could’ve,” Rob protested, still rubbing his hand.
Elijah ignored him and turned to Talia, his voice soft. “Sister Tina, why didn’t you come to me with this?”
“I did not want to ruffle any feathers. I told my husband. He protects me.”
Hunter threw an arm over her shoulder and gathered her close to his side. “Damn right,” he growled, narrowing his eyes at Rob again.
“Brother Rob, go to your cabin.” Elijah made a sweeping gesture with his hand. “I can’t even look at you right now.”
Rob’s face flamed fire-engine red. He scowled at Clint and then at Hunter and Tina before turning to stomp away.
“Brother Clint, find Brother Malcolm and have him look at the van.”
“Yes, Lightkeeper.” Clint hurried away, looking relieved to get off easy.
“Sister Tina, Brother Henry, I apologize for Brother Rob’s behavior. Our community is a haven. I don’t want you to be scared to walk alone. I preach peace and harmony. This has distressed me greatly. I must go and pray now. I need some divine guidance about how to handle this troubling situation.”
“Lightkeeper, we do not wish to cause any trouble,” Tina said. “It was nothing I cannot handle.”
“That’s just it, Sister Tina. You shouldn’t have to. I’m sorry again.” He turned and fled for his cabin.
“Well, that didn’t go how I would have liked,” Hunter murmured.
“Keep your weapon handy,” she advised. “Those looks from Rob were lethal.”
“Looks like we won’t get to pay a visit to the target today.”
“What do you say we take a walk? Maybe look for Tilly?”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Talia threaded her arm through Hunter’s and he guided her down the path.
Elijah was so livid, he could barely see straight to walk to his cabin. The thought of Rob putting his grimy hands on Tina’s delicate skin had his heart pounding with a murderous rage. He had to force himself not to lunge for Rob’s neck and squeeze the pathetic life from him. The thought of watching his eyes bug as he pleaded for his miserable life had Elijah’s body hardening and he had to adjust himself.
How had Henry held back from ripping Rob’s head off his shoulders? He had no doubt Henry could do it. Elijah wouldn’t have blamed him one bit. In fact, maybe he should suggest they do it together. That cranked him up another notch until he was primed and ready to go. He entered his cabin and punched the code into the keypad, opening his office. Once the door closed, he headed to the bookcase and jumped in the elevator. He needed to get to Miss Maxine’s to release some of this pent-up rage.
He was already stripping off his shirt to change when the elevator came to a stop. He stepped out and skidded to a stop. “Tilly! What are you doing here?” He used his shirt to cover the tent in his pants.
“I just wanted to see you, Richie. I thought we could hang out and watch movies. I want to see Where Hope Grows.”
Elijah stifled a groan. Where Hope Grows was Tilly’s all-time favorite movie and they’d watched it so many times, he had the words practically memorized. She had a crush on the boy who played Produce. He also had Down Syndrome.
“I wish I could, Tilly, but I have to be somewhere right now.”
“Oh, okay. I understand.”
Elijah sighed. He hated when she was upset, and though she was trying to act okay, he could tell he’d disappointed her. He sat down on the bed and tossed an arm over her shoulder. “I promise we’ll hang out soon. We’ll have a Where Hope Grows marathon. Pop some popcorn. Okay?”
/> “Okay,” she said dubiously. Maybe he had disappointed her one too many times. He stood from the bed, intending to hurry her along.
“I made a new friend.”
Elijah froze. How in the hell had she made a friend? She never left her rooms…did she? “Who is your friend, Tilly?” He knew his voice was harsh, but he couldn’t help it. Tilly was naïve, and she could easily give away his secrets. That’s why he hammered in her head that she had to stay hidden. If she’d wandered to the compound and met someone, he’d have to give them a permanent resting place beside Nadine. He wasn’t letting anything derail his plans.
Horror washed over him. Surely not Tina. He didn’t want to have to kill her.
Elijah relaxed. Chuckled. “Is Tinkerbell like Ariel?” For months, Tilly had sworn the Disney mermaid was her best friend and they played together. If her friend was the imaginary kind, he was fine with that. A little woo woo for him, but whatever worked for her.
She hung her head. “Yeah.”
“Well, I have to leave now, so why don’t you and Tinkerbell go play. We’ll hang out later in the week. I promise.”
“K.” She stood and lumbered off, giving him a breezy wave as she disappeared through the tunnel.
The urgent desire had passed, thanks to his little sister’s untimely arrival, but he still changed to head to Miss Maxine’s. He needed to clear his head and come up with a solution to the Rob problem. Could he trust the man now after he violated Tina? Should he give him the opportunity to make amends? Or should he just kill him now and be done with it? Each option had its plusses and minuses.
After tugging on a clean shirt, he grabbed the keys to the car and jumped in the golf cart. Once he slid into the buttery soft leather seat of the Mercedes, he locked the seat belt in place, opened the garage door and motored away.
Talia enjoyed strolling with Hunter at her side. They passed several sitting areas with elaborate fountains or statues of Biblical figures. Colorful birds chirped in trees and an occasional brown squirrel crossed their path. It was peaceful. The strains of a violin playing a haunting melody floated on the air.
Being with Hunter like this was lowering her defenses. She had the urge to bare her soul to him, and she couldn’t stop her mouth from opening. “You know what is sad?” She didn’t wait for him to answer. “If this were real and we had joined the cult, I would not be able to contribute at all.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I am trained for nothing. I have no appreciable skills whatsoever besides battle. I cannot cook, unless you think toast is an acceptable meal. I cannot carry a tune to save my life. I cannot build things or sew…unless you count stitching up a bullet wound with a field kit.”
“Hey, that’s an important skill. Lifesaving.”
She shook his statement off. “I don’t wear make-up.”
“You don’t need it.”
“I don’t paint my nails. My underwear is more Nike sports bra than La Perla lace. The reason I will never marry is that I have nothing to offer a husband.” She almost slapped a hand over her mouth. What was she doing confessing this to him? Warning him off, maybe?
She gasped when Hunter jerked to a stop and grasped her upper arms, but unlike Rob’s crushing grip, Hunter’s was gentle, almost loving. “Talia, babe, you have so much to offer. You are the most intelligent woman I’ve ever known. You don’t need any enhancements, cosmetic or otherwise. Your natural beauty is breathtaking. You’re quick on your feet and you’re exceptionally skilled. I trust you more than any partner I’ve ever had. If I were going into battle, it’s you I’d want by my side.”
“That’s just it,” she cried. “You just described Sawyer or Mason or any of the other COBRA Securities agents. When it comes to being a female, I fail miserably.”
She had no time to react when Hunter’s mouth came down hard on hers. He pulled her against his aroused body, his hands moving down to cup her bottom and hold her tight against him. She moaned into the kiss, loving the feel of his firm yet soft lips.
“I don’t think of you the same as Sawyer or any of the other agents,” he growled between kisses. “I have no desire to do this to them.” More kisses. “They don’t turn me inside out or make me yearn.” Hot, deep kisses. “I yearn for you, Talia. Only you.”
Oh God, she yearned for him, too. She dug her fingernails into his scalp, wanting to be as close to him as possible. She might not have many feminine traits, but here with Hunter, she was most definitely female.
“Oh, you two are just the sweetest!”
They broke apart, both of their breathing harsh as they turned to the voice. Two women…two very pregnant women…were smiling at them, their hands over their hearts. Darla and Kim, maybe?
“You aren’t far removed from the honeymoon, are you?”
Hunter positioned her in front of him. She bit back a smile when she felt the reason why against her behind. “No, we are not,” she agreed. “It is such a beautiful day, we decided to take a walk, enjoy nature.”
“Well, you two just go ahead and enjoy,” one of the women said with a wave of her hand. “We’ll see you later.”
They bid their goodbyes and watched as the women continued on their way. Hunter grabbed her hand and they started walking again. When they reached the rock where she met Tilly, they sat down, hoping the girl might decide to show up again.
She’d confessed her weakness to Hunter, now she wanted to know everything about him. They’d never had the chance to get to know each other before. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, it was the perfect opportunity. “What made you want to become an FBI agent, Hunter McGrath?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I always thought it sounded so cool. I was a runt when I was young.”
She eyed him dubiously. “You? I do not see that.”
“Truth. I didn’t hit my growth spurt until high school. I was bullied quite a bit. I had fantasies of whipping out a badge and making these little miscreants sorry they messed with me.”
A young Hunter with a mop of blond hair being tormented…she just couldn’t see it. He was so strong and tough now. “Where did you grow up?”
“Here and there. Everywhere. My dad was in the military, so we moved several times, even overseas. The good thing about that was that I learned I had an affinity for languages. I was able to pick them up quickly.”
Something they had in common. “Did you not want to go into the military, too?”
“I did.”
Another similarity. “I did not know that.”
“Yep. Went to college first, then did my four-year stint. Quantico after that.”
“That is very impressive at your age.”
He raised a sardonic brow. “Are you calling me old?”
She shook her head quickly. “The opposite. You are young to have accomplished so much. I am guessing thirty?”
“On the nose. I graduated high school early, and then college when I was twenty.”
She wasn’t surprised. She knew he was intelligent. “It must have been hard to be the youngest in your classes.”
“Wasn’t easy,” he agreed.
“Brothers and sisters?”
“One brother. Joe. Older. He did the military thing, too. Now he’s a JAG lawyer.”
“Where are your parents now?”
“Dad’s a diplomat now so they still travel. My mom wants him to retire so they can move to a beach somewhere and collect seashells.”
She smiled. “That sounds lovely.” His entire family sounded amazing. “You get along well with your family?”
“Very. We’ve always been close. Still are.”
“You are lucky.” After she lost her mother, she hadn’t had a real family again. She had her half-sister, Shira, but her stepmother tried to poison the girl against her. Talia didn’t know what she’d ever done to the woman except be born by a different woman. Now—now she had reason
to hate her since she inherited her father’s estate.
As if sensing her turmoil, Hunter said, “I’m sorry again about your father, Talia.”
She jerked a shoulder. “It really did not affect me. We were not close.”
“Still, it has to be hard losing a parent.”
“He was never much of one.”
“What about your mom?”
“She passed away when I was very young.”
“I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“It was a long time ago.”
He slid his hand into hers. “Will you tell me about her?”
She choked down the sudden lump in her throat. She hadn’t talked about her mother to anyone since…never. No one had ever asked about her before. Her father certainly never mentioned her. “I barely remember her,” she whispered, dismayed to realize her voice wavered. “I have very few pictures of her.” She cleared her throat. “She was beautiful.”
“You take after her, then.”
Dammit, when he said things like that, she had no protection for her heart. He was quickly worming his way inside. A tear slid down her cheek. “My parents met in college in North Carolina. I do not know if it was love at first sight or if they had to get married because of me. When I was one, my father decided to return to Israel to take over his family business. My mother did not want to go, so he left us. Then my mother got sick and died soon after. I had not heard from him since he left, no birthday cards or Christmas presents, but someone must have contacted him…a lawyer I suppose. He flew to the States, packed up my meager belongings and took me back to his country.”
“That had to be tough.”
“I did not know anyone or speak the language. He had remarried, and his wife…I guess the best description is that she resented me. She completely ignored me. The only bright spot was my younger half-sister.”
“What’s her name?”
“Shira.” Talia smiled. “She is young and full of spirit and energy. Her mother spoiled her, so she is a bit of a diva. She also has a mischievous streak. Even when she was young, she was always up to something, usually dragging me along in her schemes.” Her smile turned rueful. “Of course, when we got caught, I was the one who got in trouble. Never Shira.”