Face the Music (COBRA Securities Book 9) Read online

Page 15


  “Okay, kill the light…now.”


  Luke pushed against the panel and it shifted open. The men in the room were looking around, wondering what happened. Luke slapped a hand over Layla’s mouth and drug her back with him as he disappeared behind the closing bookcase. Once the panel swung closed, he tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and jogged down the tunnel. Her arms were tied, and it probably hurt like hell judging from her harsh grunts, but he didn’t want to take the time to cut the bonds. He needed to get her to safety.

  “Luke? Oh, my God, it is you!”

  “Wait until we’re safe to talk,” he advised as he ran right past the exit. When a cobweb tangled in his face, he backtracked and found the door. He carefully pushed open the shelves and checked the mud room. Clear. He eased through and headed outside. He jerked the door to the SUV open and pulled the latch on the middle seat to reveal a hidden compartment. He deposited Layla inside, making quick work of her bonds before lowering the lid.


  “There’s a latch on the inside. Bolt it,” he ordered, lowering the seat to close her in.


  “The bottom’s mesh so you’ll be able to breathe. Now be quiet.”

  He closed the door. “Okay, Talia, let there be light.”

  He opened the back of the Escalade and pretended to be looking for something. A few minutes later, three men burst out the door.

  “I found the problem,” he drawled. “You should be good as new…hey! What’s with the guns?” He widened his eyes in feigned shock and held up his arms.

  “Search the vehicle,” one of the men ordered the other two.

  “Hey, I didn’t steal the china, if that’s what you think,” Luke joked.

  The man didn’t even blink. “Step away from the vehicle.”

  He stared into Ike Morris’ cold eyes and nodded. “Okay, okay, I’m moving.” He eased back and fingered his SIG. If they managed to find Layla’s hiding place, he’d have to take them out.

  “Clear,” one man called out.

  “Clear here, too.”

  Luke tightened his hold on his gun as Morris moved in front of him. “Did you see anyone leave the house?”

  Luke removed his ball cap and scratched his head. “Just now?”

  “Yes,” the man gritted out, clearly losing patience.

  Luke shook his head. “Not a soul until you three came barreling out.”


  Layla tried to force the circulation back into her limbs and concentrated on not hyperventilating. That had been close…too close. If her hands hadn’t been bound behind her back, she might’ve launched herself at Mullins and latched them around his scrawny neck.

  Footsteps pounded close and she froze.

  “Search the vehicle.”

  Her breath stalled in her throat when the doors jerked open. A man ducked his head in and she clamped her lips together. She’d only managed a quick whiff, but it wasn’t the same guy who kidnapped her. She feared she’d be smelling his noxious mixture of onions and body odor in her nightmares. This man reeked of cigarette smoke. Thankfully he didn’t lean too far inside. “Clear,” he called out. The other man said the same and the doors slammed shut.

  She closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Luke had saved her. Mullins would have had her killed.

  The front door opened and then the car shifted as Luke slid inside. “Hang tight,” he murmured as he started the ignition. The car rolled forward and she bit back a cry as her numb arms jarred against the seat. “I need to drive around and make sure no one is following me.”

  She was so glad to be out of Mullins’ grasp, she didn’t care if he drove all night. Finally, he eased to a stop and she heard a garage door lowering shut. She unlatched the seat and pushed it up. Before she could climb out, Luke’s strong arms reached inside and lifted her. “You scared the shit out of me,” he growled.

  Yeah, well, she’d scared the shit out of herself, too. Then she was crushed in his embrace. Tears pooled in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. He was so strong and brave. How had she ever done this without him? One of his hands cradled her head against his chest. She felt protected. Cherished.

  “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I thought you’d be safe. You should’ve been safe inside the compound. How did they get to you?”

  Layla cringed. Here came the hard part…telling him she’d left of her own accord. “Why don’t we go inside first.” She reluctantly broke the embrace and stepped out of his arms, moving to the door leading to the house. Luke didn’t follow. She turned around.

  “Layla?” His voice was deep and menacing. “How did they get to you?”

  “Funny story…”

  “Layla.” Now his voice was sharp. “Did they kidnap you from Indiana?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Exactly. What. Happened?”

  She sighed, defeated. “This is my case, Luke, and you shut me out of it. You just expected me to stay home,”—home? When did she start to think of his house as home?—“while you charged off to slay my dragons. While I appreciate the gesture, I want to slay them, too. I’m not helpless.” She winced. She’d been pretty darn helpless a few minutes ago.

  “So you decided to come down here and throw yourself at the mercy of Mullins? What if I hadn’t seen you getting captured.”

  “What? No,” she emphasized. “I had no intention of confronting him. Not yet. Not until we had the means to bring him down.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “I knew you wouldn’t be happy I’d come.” She ignored the grunt. “I stopped by the grocery store to pick up supplies to cook dinner. I figured you couldn’t be too mad at someone who fed you.” She smiled.

  He didn’t. “Think again.”

  She cleared her throat. “Anyway, I ran into my mother’s closest friend in the supermarket. Before I could turn away, she recognized me. I told her to meet me at a coffee shop and that I’d explain. She and my mom were close, I thought I could trust her.” She swallowed hard and moisture gathered in her eyes. “I hoped my mom had confided in her about her marriage. If she could back up the claims that Mullins had been abusive, it would be more ammunition against him.”

  “What happened?” The question was asked gently this time.

  “The shop was busy so she said she knew of a quieter one. I trusted her so I followed her and the next thing I knew, someone jumped out and grabbed me. I was bound before I could react. I tried to tell Bev to run, to save herself but she was smiling at me.”

  “She set you up?”

  She nodded and the tear leaked out. She swiped at it, mad at herself for letting Bev’s betrayal affect her. “She’s in love with Mullins. She wants to be his next wife. She said my mother didn’t appreciate what she had and that now it was her turn.”

  “I’m sorry.” He walked to her and gathered her into his arms. She went gratefully. She’d been so terrified standing in front of Mullins, knowing he had no qualms about killing her for real this time. When he recovered from the shock of seeing her, the look he leveled at her had been murderous. She shuddered. Couldn’t stop.

  “Hey, you’re safe now.”

  Luke rubbed her back in a hypnotic motion. He was so strong and smelled so good. She wanted to stay in his arms forever. She felt safe. Protected. Still, tremors racked her body.

  “Adrenalin dump,” he said, hugging her tighter. Then the world tilted as he scooped her into his arms and carried her inside. He eased down to a chair and she curled into him. His body heat seeped into her. She didn’t know how long they stayed that way. Finally, the shaking stopped and he leaned back to gaze into her eyes. “Better?” She nodded. “We need to get some food in you.”

  Reluctantly, she slid from his lap and stood, getting her first look at the house. It was nicely furnished with beautiful furniture that looked decidedly uncomfortable. It also looked uninhabited. None of Luk
e’s personal effects were in view.

  “So who do I have to fire?”

  Layla spun around. “What are you talking about?”

  “You had to have help. You didn’t just come down on your own. Plus, the kids aren’t with you, so it wasn’t a leap to deduce that someone is watching them.”

  She was hoping he didn’t pick up on the fact that she’d had help, but he was a former decorated detective. She bet not much ever got by him. “You don’t have to worry about that. None of your agents had prior knowledge.”


  She tilted her head. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that significant others helped. I’m guessing Jade? Probably Taylor, too.”

  She flinched. Damn, he was a good detective. “Please don’t be mad at them. Logan and Dante had no idea.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt. They wouldn’t have let you make such a bonehead decision.”


  “You deny it?”

  Kinda hard to when it backfired so spectacularly.

  “Jade and Taylor, huh?”

  “I begged for their help.”

  He didn’t respond, just pinned her with his gaze. “They should’ve known better. They’ve both had brushes with their lives.”

  “I held a gun to them and forced them to help.”

  One side of his mouth quirked. Damn, it was sexy. “Where did you get a gun?”

  “Uh, from your office?”

  He shook his head. “I keep the weapons locked in a gun safe. Try again.”

  She sighed. “Okay, they helped because they’re my friends.”

  “Melody helped, too, I’m assuming? Her, I can fire.”

  She grabbed his arm. “No, Luke, please!”

  He studied her and then nodded, moving past her to make sure the door was locked. That was it? He wasn’t going to yell? Call her an idiot? Heck, she called herself an idiot for leaving the security of the compound. Maybe he realized how important this was to her.

  “How’d you get down here?”

  “I drove.”

  His brows shot up. “That beater of a car that leaked oil all over my driveway?”

  She grimaced. “Yes.”

  “Where is it now?”

  She’d completely forgotten about her car. Her purse was in there! Along with a hundred dollars’ worth of groceries. “It’s parked at the market two blocks over.” She started for the door. “I need to get it.”

  He grabbed her hand, stopping her. “It’s a busy place. It should be fine. Mullins might have people watching for you to come back if Bev saw you drive it. We’ll pick it up later.”

  She relaxed, thinking how lucky she was to have his calm competence to depend on. She would’ve charged after her car, not even thinking about the possibility it was under surveillance. If Mullins was watching, she’d walk right into a trap, possibly a fatal one.

  Still clutching her hand, Luke guided her up a wide staircase. “I’ve only been using the room upstairs,” he explained, as if reading her earlier thoughts. He led her across the threshold of a large bedroom and indicated a suede sofa in front of a fireplace. “Have a seat. Pizza okay?” At her nod, he left the room to order.

  She glanced around. Luke’s bag rested on the floor beside a dresser, a few items scattered on top. The bed was king-sized, covered with a blue comforter. A door off to the right led to the attached bathroom. She could see toiletry items on the counter beside a sink. A telescope was positioned out the window and a desk was covered with a computer system with two monitors.

  Unable to sit, she jumped to her feet and peered into the telescope. Mullins’ house came into view and she jerked away with a shudder. She rubbed her arms, trying to rid the chill she could only shake in Luke’s embrace. Bev knew she was alive, as did Mullins and the men who worked for him. Too many people. The news was bound to get out.

  How had she misjudged Bev so badly? She’d been her mother’s closest friend in the world. Bev had always been nice to Layla when she visited. That she’d turned her over to Mullins was incomprehensible. She knew the man would have her killed and she didn’t bat a fake eyelash over the prospect.

  She spun around as Luke entered. He ended a call and slipped his phone in his pocket.

  “Too many people know I’m alive, Luke. The news is bound to get out.”

  He nodded and guided her back to the couch. “We need to get ahead of this. I’ve called two media experts, who happen to be the significant others of COBRA Securities agents, and they’re flying down tonight. First thing in the morning, we’ll hold a press conference announcing you’re alive.”

  Panic gripped her. It was happening too soon. She didn’t feel ready. “What do I say? How do I tell the people that were my friends, the fans who bought my records or concert tickets, that I lied to them?” Layla dropped her face in her hands.

  The comforting weight of Luke’s arm settled around her. “We tell as much of the truth as possible. Your life was in danger. Several attempts were made on your life. To stay alive, you had to go into hiding.”

  “But why am I coming out now? I can’t accuse Mullins yet. We don’t have enough on him.”

  “You don’t say his name, but allude to knowing who’s responsible and that they won’t get away with it. That should get his panties in a twist.”

  “I don’t want him to know I have Tiffany and Sean. They won’t be safe.”

  “That’ll be another reason why you’ve decided to come out of hiding. It’s been almost a year since anyone has seen the twins and you’re worried for their safety. You tell the world you’ve hired my firm to locate them.”

  She lifted her head and nodded slowly. “Mullins must cooperate with the investigation or his reputation will be soiled.” She smiled. “I love it.”

  “We’ll be able to poke around, ask questions and he won’t be able to turn us away with the country watching.”

  “Brilliant.” She exhaled deeply. “I hate that we have to do this so soon. I thought I could trust Bev. My mom loved her like a sister. Why would she turn against me?”

  “My guess? She admitted she has a thing for Mullins. Probably wants the prestige of being the first lady if he’s elected. By turning you in to him, she gains his trust and his gratitude.” Luke’s hand stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry I let him get to you.”

  He was so close she could see the darker blue ringing his irises. If she leaned closer she could press her lips to his. She’d only had a quick taste. She wanted more. “You have nothing to be sorry for. It was completely my fault. I should’ve stayed in Indiana, but I needed to be here. Can you understand that?”

  His gaze caressed her face, from her eyes to her mouth, while his hand continued to stroke, making her skin tingle. “Yeah, I guess I can. I just wish you’d have trusted me enough to tell me you were coming.”

  “You would’ve stopped me.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  Layla gazed into blue eyes that had become so dear to her. In such a short time, Luke had become the most important person in her life after her siblings. He was kind and considerate, strong and sexy. He treated her with respect and conversed with her siblings as if they mattered. He didn’t talk down to them and he listened to what they had to say. Her crush-at-first-sight was quickly expanding out of control. She was afraid she’d already lost her heart to him. Tiff and Sean had. They were both teary-eyed when he left.

  His hands slid up to cup her face. He gave her time to pull away as his face slowly descended. Lights exploded behind her eyelids at the first contact. She whimpered and shifted closer, wanting to feel all of him against her. Her life was about to become completely unraveled in the next twenty-four hours. She would no longer be able to lead an anonymous life. She wanted tonight, she wanted now with the most amazing man she’d ever met.

  His hands slid into her hair and then stilled. He broke the kiss.

  She realized what stopped him and reaching up, removed the pins securing
the wig in place. When she pulled it off, long blond hair tumbled down.

  “Gorgeous,” Luke breathed reverently, running his fingers through the strands. “Like spun silk.”

  “I made Tiff and Sean cut their hair and change the color, but I couldn’t do it myself.”

  “I’m so damn glad.” His lips fused to hers again. What started out as soft and gentle quickly became heated and intense. She placed a hand against his chest and broke contact. She met his questioning gaze.

  “I have to do one more thing.” She padded to the bathroom and proceeded to remove the colored contacts. He’d seen her without them before, but not combined with her real hair. The case with contact solution was in her purse, so she placed them on a tissue to deal with later. She faced him again. “This is the real me.”

  She wasn’t sure what she expected, but him stalking her like a jungle cat sent shivers through her body. She felt like a gazelle being tracked by a lion. She was trapped in his gaze, frozen in place. Then he reached for her and she cried out as his mouth devoured hers. Their tongues tangled in a sensuous dance. He kissed her with expertise and skill. Without her even realizing it, he’d slid a hand behind her head and lowered her to the mattress, coming down over her. His weight was a comfort and she welcomed it, opening her legs so that he was cradled intimately against her. His hips moved in slow, sure strokes and she was about to come undone and they were both completely dressed.

  He broke the kiss to run his lips across her jaw, down to her neck. She turned her head to give him access and wrapped her legs around his, bringing their bodies into closer contact. One hand slid under her shirt and his thumb grazed her nipple, sending sparks shooting to her core. She shamelessly rubbed against his hard length and cried out when his weight was suddenly gone. She’d barely snapped her eyes open when his hands slid under her, lifted her and moved her to the center of the bed.

  “I need more room to explore,” he explained, before his lips crashed against hers again. She was so close, hanging on the edge. When he broke away again, she made a sound of frustration and reached for him but he stepped back. His smile was wicked. He removed her shoes one by one and then slid her jeans down her legs, leaving her in a pair of lacy pink panties.