Last Dance (COBRA Securities Book 14) Read online

Page 16

  “Cassidy? Where are you?”

  They broke apart instantly, their harsh breaths filling the space. He spun around to adjust himself before Harlow appeared.

  “Have you seen the size of the closets? I could live there.” Harlow was, thankfully, totally oblivious to the pheromones floating in the air.

  “I’m going to head to my room now.” He picked up his bags. “Good night, ladies.”

  “Goodnight, Mason,” Harlow said.


  He turned at the door to find Cassidy watching him with an awe-struck expression. Way to go, Rossi. All the pep talks about not getting involved just flew out the window. And frankly, he didn’t even care.

  Chapter 18

  Cassidy’s lips were on fire and it was all she could do to keep from touching them. Mason had kissed her. Really kissed her. Kissed her like she was the breath he needed to breathe. It was the most passionate, intense kiss of her life and all she could think about was doing it again.

  “Are you okay?”

  Harlow was studying her closely and she resisted the urge to flinch. There was nothing she could do to stop the blush rushing to her cheeks. “What? Oh, yes. I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure? Your face is flushed.”

  “It’s been a rough couple of days.”

  Harlow sighed. “It has. Now I feel guilty for being excited about a closet, for goodness sake.”

  “Don’t feel guilty.” Cassidy grabbed her hands. “We can’t let this defeat us, drag us down. If we do, whoever is doing this wins.” She dropped her hands and spun around with a frustrated exhale. “Listen to me. I need to heed my own advice. All I see when I close my eyes is Marcus’s face.”

  “I do, too. But Cass, you’re right. The best thing we can do is keep going and have faith that whoever killed him will be caught and brought to justice.”

  She turned around to face Harlow. “Do you believe he’ll be caught?” She wasn’t so sure. The person had proven to be very elusive, leaving no clues to his or her identity.

  Harlow nodded slowly. “I do. And I trust Sawyer and Mason and now Kellan to keep us safe until he is captured.”

  Harlow hugged her and then after wishing her goodnight, retreated to the suite she shared with her husband. Cassidy washed her face and brushed her teeth. It’d been an extremely long day. She was exhausted but too keyed up to sleep. She wasn’t kidding when she said she saw Marcus’s face when she closed her eyes. Would Mason come to her room like he promised?

  No sign of him when she exited the bathroom. His office manager had included a couple of cotton nightgowns with the supply of clothes, one that was very feminine and frilly. It wasn’t what she usually wore to bed, but it was the closest thing to sexy in her limited wardrobe.

  She pulled down the designer comforter made of a soft silky material in shades of gold, tan and blue and climbed inside, groaning as her body slid over the expensive satiny sheets. They had to be at least a thousand thread count. She also detected a mattress topper made of soft feathers, probably eider down. She’d never been more comfortable. Despite her statement to Mason about not being able to rest, she fell instantly to sleep.


  After checking in with Kellan one last time, Mason headed to his room to change. Though his room wasn’t technically a master suite, it was large and featured an attached bath. After a quick shower, he brushed his teeth and shaved. He would’ve told himself he wasn’t doing it to protect Cassidy’s delicate skin against whisker burn, but then, he’d be lying. His head knew there shouldn’t be a repeat of the earlier kiss, but his heart, man that sucker was beating like hummingbird wings just thinking about it. Immediately after their lips met, a part of his brain nagged that he was being too aggressive, but she matched him kiss to kiss, tongue slide to tongue slide. One taste and now he craved her like a smoker craved their next nicotine fix. It was a fool’s mission to climb into bed next to her when his need for her bordered on desperation.

  Still, it didn’t stop him from checking the hall before he silently crept to her room. He thought about knocking, but she was expecting him. Easing the door open, he was met with darkness. The only light spilling inside came from the moon shining in the windows. That’s when he spotted her curled up in bed, fast asleep.

  He debated whether to go back to his room and let her sleep—him, too since he probably wouldn’t get much with her so close. Instead of doing the smart thing, he closed the door, moved to the bed and inched back the sheets before climbing in beside her. He almost groaned out loud at the feel of the smooth, cool sheets and the soft mattress. He did groan when Cassidy made a little noise in her throat and rolled to him, snuggling up against his side.

  Despite the warm feminine body pressed against him, he managed a few hours of sleep. When he woke, he found himself spooning her with her backside pressed firmly against his front—his very awake and interested front. He wanted more than anything to stay right where he was for the next week. Instead, he brushed a kiss against her hair, inhaling the sweet floral scent, and eased out of bed. He whispered across the floor and out the door, making it to his room with no one the wiser.


  Cassidy woke slowly and instantly knew she was alone in bed. When she rolled to her back, she discovered the sheets behind her were still warm. Mason had kept his promise and come to her room. She’d sensed his presence beside her, surrounding her as she slept. She really, really wished she’d woken up. She wanted to pick up where they left off with that scorching kiss.

  Tossing back the sheet, she climbed from the bed and after a trip to the bathroom, pulled on her exercise gear. The house sported a workout room nicer than many gyms. It was still early, so the house was quiet as she made her way downstairs. Light spilled beneath the door and when she opened it, Mason was already jogging on one of the treadmills. Kellan was lying on a bench lifting free weights that looked to be about the same as her body weight. So much for beating the others up.

  After good mornings all around, she stepped on the treadmill beside Mason and plugged in the key. She started with a walking warm-up and then cranked the speed until she was running.

  “How did you sleep?”

  She glanced over at Mason. He’d already worked up a sweat that glistened on his muscular body. “Good. Better than expected.”

  He powered down his machine to a walk. “Me, too.”

  “Thank you.” The words were spoken softly.

  “Anytime.” He smiled and stepped down, heading for the weights. The treadmill was situated so she could watch the men as they pumped iron. It was a beautiful sight.

  “Morning, all,” Harlow chirped as she came inside, followed closely by her husband.

  “Sleeping in, are you?” Mason teased Sawyer, who hitched a lazy shoulder.

  “I’d still be snuggled up with my beautiful wife if she hadn’t insisted on coming down here.”

  The three men continued to tease each other as Harlow jumped on the treadmill Mason had departed. “Can you believe how comfortable the beds are? My gosh. I’m thinking of stealing the sheets when we leave.”

  Cassidy laughed. “It was like sleeping on a cloud,” she agreed.

  Once they finished, each headed to their rooms to shower and change. Breakfast was scrambled eggs and mixed-berry protein smoothies. It was nice being with people who liked to eat healthy. Despite being a dancer, Colin had been a bonafide fast food junkie.

  They piled in the SUV and before heading to the studio, they detoured to her apartment. She would pack items she needed and figure out how to box up the rest of her belongings later. She’d never spend another night there.

  Sawyer pulled into the lot and parked in a guest space. Mason opened the door and turned to help her out when it sounded like someone threw a rock at the SUV.

  Hands that were helping her down suddenly shoved her back inside.


  “Sniper! Get down.” Mason climbed back in and urged her across the seat as the b
ack window shattered. “Take cover on the other side.” Sawyer was already yanking Harlow from the vehicle and wrapping his body around her. “Keep your head low,” Mason ordered. Kellan was there to help her down and then Mason joined them.

  “Can you tell where it’s coming from?” Mason asked.

  “Sun reflected off something shiny on top of that building.” Kellan pointed to the large chain hotel situated across the street.

  “Keep your head down.”

  When Mason started to move away she reached for him in panic. “No, you can’t leave. It’s not safe.”

  “I’m just going to the back of the SUV.”

  He eased around and popped the back hatch as another shot rang out and pinged off the door. He ducked behind the vehicle. With one hand he reached in and yanked something out. A rifle.

  A flash of red caught her eye and her mouth rounded in horror to see a Rav4 turning into the parking lot. “Oh, no! Colin!”

  Completely oblivious, he motored to her designated spot and parked. The door opened.

  “Get down,” Mason yelled to him but as he struggled out of the car, she noticed the white cords dangling from his ears.

  “He’s wearing earbuds.” Her lungs heaved but she wasn’t taking in any air. She feared she’d pass out.

  “Who the hell wears headphones while driving,” Mason muttered. “Here.” He handed Kellan the sniper rifle. “I’ll get him.”

  “Nooo—be careful.” He’d taken off before she could stop him. Another shot rang out and she screamed. Kellan stood and aimed at the shooter but didn’t fire.

  “Pull the trigger, pull the trigger,” she frantically urged.

  “I can’t risk hitting an innocent bystander. He dropped out of sight when he saw me. That’ll buy Mason some time.”

  Mason made it safely across the lot and snatched a startled Colin clear off his feet. Crutches clattered to the pavement as Mason toted him to safety behind the stairwell. Her heart stopped—actually stopped—when Mason left the protection of the concrete wall and dashed back across the lot. She screamed again when another shot rang out, whether from Kellan or the sniper, she had no idea. As soon as Mason dropped down beside her, her heart started beating again. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight, then pulled back and slugged his arm.

  “Ow.” He rubbed the spot even though she knew it didn’t hurt him. It was like punching granite. “What was that for?”

  “Risking your life twice. Why didn’t you stay over there with Colin?”

  He leaned close to whisper, “Colin’s not my priority—you are.”

  The sharp trill of sirens had her eyes closing in relief.

  “Shooter’s gone,” Kellan announced as he sighted through the rifle.

  “We’re going to go over where Colin’s standing. It’s the safest. Ready?”


  Mason scooped her in his arms and ferried her across the lot. She glanced over her shoulder to see Sawyer toting Harlow close behind. When they reached the other side, they were one short. “Kellan?”

  “He’s making sure the shooter doesn’t pop back up.”

  One of the police cars squealed into the lot and came to a stop behind their damaged SUV. “Stay right here,” Mason ordered as he jogged over to talk to the cops.

  “Cassidy? Damn, are you okay?”

  Colin. She’d forgotten about him. She hugged him, shivering when she recalled the stark terror she felt when he’d opened his door into the path of a sniper, and then Mason risking his life to save him.

  “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

  “Scared shitless. What the hell happened? I was getting out of the car and the next thing I knew, Mason grabbed me.”

  “We tried yelling, but you couldn’t hear us.”

  He fingered the white cord, now dangling around his neck. “It’s habit.”

  Sawyer, who’d stayed behind with them, retrieved Colin’s crutches and handed them to him. Colin thanked him and arranged them under his arms. “What the hell was that, anyway?”

  “Someone was shooting at us.”

  Colin’s mouth gaped. “What? From where?” Clutching his crutches against his sides, he reached out and clasped her arms, running his gaze over her body. “Are you sure you aren’t hurt?”

  “I’m a little shaky, but fine.” A little shaky was an understatement. She felt like that sapling in a hurricane again.

  Mason jogged back over. “Detective Parsa’s on the way. He’s going to give us a lift to the studio while Kellan stays and handles things here. You have time to pack what you need from your apartment.”

  “Oh no, Mason, you’re bleeding.”

  He dabbed his fingers against the cut on his cheek. “Just a scratch.”

  “Were you shot?” Colin asked.

  “Nah, just got pegged with some shrapnel.”

  “You need to go to the hospital,” Cassidy insisted.

  “I’m good.”

  She rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated huff. “Will you at least let me clean it up?”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “I’ll help you pack,” Harlow offered.

  “I can, too,” Colin chimed in.

  She appreciated the offer, but it wasn’t necessary. “I hate for you to have to go up and down the steps again.”

  He glanced at the stairs and nodded before turning back to her. “You’re right. I should be getting back anyway.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she hugged him tight. Their relationship had been fundamentally altered. They might never regain the easy friendship they once shared. “Good luck with rehab.” Her voice was watery. “Let me know how it goes.”

  “I will. Good luck with the season. You’ve got a great shot at winning. Again.”

  “Thanks, Col.” She stepped back.

  “It was nice to meet you, Colin.” Harlow hugged him. Sawyer shook his hand. They turned to get his luggage from her Rav4, but Mason was already there lifting the bag out.

  “I’ll carry it to your car.”

  Colin nodded his thanks. The forensics team had locked his keys inside since he had a spare in a hide-a-key box under the wheel well. He instructed Mason on where to find it and after he popped the key fob, Mason deposited the bag in the back seat and closed the door.

  “Thank you,” Colin said. “And thank you for earlier. I’m sorry I called you a dirty rat bastard.”

  Mason smiled and shook the hand Colin extended. “Good luck with rehab. I’ve been there and though there may be times you want to cuff the physical therapist upside the head, they know what they’re doing. Keep with it.”

  “Thanks. I will. And Mason? Keep her safe.”

  “Bet on it.”

  Mason held the door open while Colin stashed his crutches in the passenger seat and awkwardly maneuvered inside. She wondered how safe it was for him to be driving, but he seemed to do fine. Once he was settled, Mason closed the door.

  She knocked on the window and he started the car to roll it down.

  “Text me when you get home…oh wait. I don’t have a phone.”

  Mason took out a card and handed it to him. “Text me. I’ll let her know.”

  Colin nodded and tucked the card in his shirt pocket. He raised the window and with a small wave, backed out of the parking space and motored away. Cassidy wiped the tears from her eyes. Mason’s strong arms wrapped around her and hugged her close. “Okay?”

  “Yeah.” She sniffed. “And as Colin said, thank you for saving him. And I’m sorry I called you a big, stupid, heroic idiot.”

  A brow winged up. “When did you do that?”

  “When you ran back across the parking lot like a big, stupid, heroic idiot.”

  Mason’s deep chuckle sent tingles down her spine. Good Goddess, as Tandi would say. She was in so much trouble. Her crush was strengthening, developing into something deeper, more meaningful, possibly permanent. She wasn’t falling in love with her bodyguard anymore. She already had.

  Chapter 19

  Mason held out a hand for the keys to Cassidy’s apartment. “I go first.”

  She dropped them in his waiting palm. Kellan had finished with the police and the squad cars had departed. Mason motioned for him to follow him inside to clear the rooms. Sawyer would wait with the women.

  Unlocking the door, he grimaced at the overwhelming stench of death that still hung in the air. The building super would need to contact a crime scene clean-up crew. Most of the bodily fluids had soaked into Cassidy’s suede couch, now residing at the forensics lab, but some dripped on the floor, seeping into the hardwood.

  He and Kellan made quick work of clearing the small apartment. He removed the stick from the sliding glass door in the bedroom and opened it wide to let in fresh ocean air. Kellan followed his lead and opened the one in the living area while he ushered the others inside. Harlow entered first. Sawyer tilted his head at Cassidy. Mason nodded once and Sawyer followed his wife. Cassidy stood frozen outside the door. He went to her and clasped her shoulders. “You don’t have to do this, babe. We can pack up anything you need.”

  She shook her head as if coming out of a trance. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with a sheen of tears when she met his gaze. “No, I’m okay.” She cleared her throat. “I can do this. I need to do this.”

  With a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders and marched past him. The only sign of her distress was the slight stumble when she glanced at the spot where her couch used to rest. With determined steps, she entered the bathroom and motioned for Mason to follow.


  Mason followed Cassidy inside the bathroom and closed the door.

  “Sit.” She pointed to the closed toilet seat.

  “I’m not a dog,” he mumbled but dropped down as ordered.

  She rummaged under the sink for her first aid kit. Doctoring Mason’s injury gave her the focus she needed to enter her apartment. For a minute there, she was afraid she couldn’t do it. Then she saw the dried blood on his cheek and the wound that still seeped, and she knew she’d do anything to take care of him.

  She located the red neoprene case that held her supplies. The kit was stocked, so she removed sterile wipes and dabbed at the dried blood on his cheek. This close, she could see the tiny green flecks in his royal blue eyes. His lashes were ridiculously long for a man. Women paid big bucks for thickening mascara and false lashes to garner the same effect. His face was so strong and masculine. The beginning of a five-o’clock shadow dusted his cheeks and the whiskers scraped against the cloth.