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Face the Music (COBRA Securities Book 9) Page 17

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Olivia Larrson and Kendall Demarchis blew into the rental house like a Category Five hurricane. Luke was still trying to recover from his intense encounter with Layla and his unsettled feelings. He didn’t know if he could handle these two tsunamis.

  “We’ve got all the major networks sending cameras,” Kendall said as she whipped off her jacket and tossed it on a chair.

  “Live feeds have been arranged for immediate distribution. We’ve got confirmation from several major newspapers and the Associated Press.” Olivia tapped her iPad. “The press conference is scheduled for nine in the morning, Eastern Standard Time. Ken will give a brief intro and then Layla will give her speech—”

  “Here’s a draft.” Kendall handed him a stack of papers.

  “Then I’ll do a sit-down interview and ask in-depth questions.”

  “Here.” Kendall handed him another stack of papers.

  Luke glanced over at Dorian and Alex. Both men gazed at their significant others with dopey smiles. Besotted fools. They were useless. His partner Logan, who’d flown in with them to assist, gave a “what can you do?” shrug. He focused on the women again.

  “What?” They asked in unison, their big eyes blinking with innocence.

  “You managed to do all of this in the,” he checked his watch, “three hours since I called you?”

  “TKO Productions is exceptionally organized,” Olivia boasted.

  Of that, he had no doubt. When Kendall Buckley, now Demarchis, fell for Dorian, she gave up her award-winning television broadcasting career to be with him. Knowing she still wanted to be part of the business, she enlisted the assistance of her former roommate Olivia Larrson, another award-winning television anchor and now Alex’s fiancée, to start a production company. With Taylor Costa’s legal advice, TKO Productions was born.

  He and Logan had offered the women land to build their offices inside the COBRA Securities complex but Kendall, Olivia and Taylor had nixed that idea. The layers of security would make it difficult for the women to operate their business effectively with the number of people in and out of their offices daily. They’d found space a few miles away so the commute was easy.

  “We even brought our own cameramen.”

  Logan noted the two men unloading equipment from the rental van. They’d thought of everything. He didn’t know the two men, but they’d been fully vetted, so they were safe.

  Along with Wyatt Hollister who’d flown the group to Georgia, and Talia, that made six agents on site. Probably overkill, but he wasn’t taking any chances. This was about to get very ugly.

  “How did you accomplish all of this without revealing Layla’s identity?”

  “It wasn’t easy,” Kendall admitted. “We had to call in favors.”

  “Thankfully, we both have contacts who know and trust us,” Olivia added. “There was plenty of speculation on what the press conference was about, but none of the guesses were remotely close to the truth.”

  “It’s a bombshell,” Kendall agreed. “We’ll be deluged with media requests once the story breaks, so we’ve hired extra staff to handle the influx of calls.”

  Luke shared a look with Logan. “Seriously. Three hours.” Shaking his head with a chuckle, he picked up the phone and ordered a dozen pizzas.

  Layla walked into the room and zing went his heart. This was so not good. How the hell was he supposed to pretend that she was just a client when he knew what it felt like to be inside her? All he wanted to do was wrap her in his arms and never let go. Better yet, swaddle her in bubble wrap so nothing could harm her.

  He glanced at his partner, who stared at him with a knowing smirk. He shook his head, trying to deny Logan’s insinuation, which was hard to do when he could feel warmth creeping up his neck.

  “Wow, it’s true,” Kendall breathed, staring at Layla. “I mean, I knew you were the Layla Brooks, but now you look like her. It just hit home.”

  Layla fingered her long hair. “I don’t know if I can go through with it.”

  “Of course you can,” Olivia insisted, giving her a hug. “We will be right there with you.”

  “The kids are safe,” Luke told her. “We’ve got you protected, too.”

  She inhaled deeply, exhaled and looked him in the eye before nodding. “Let’s do this.”


  Hunter stared at Talia, knowing she was trying to come up with a believable reason why she was spying on Mullins. He hadn’t been joking. He would take her into custody. She wasn’t blowing his case. He had enough on the senator to put him away for years. But this new development with Layla Brooks was one he needed to see through before he slapped on the cuffs.

  Mullins had said he made sure Layla was dead. That wasn’t enough to pin an attempted murder charge on him. A good defense lawyer would argue that Mullins simply verified that she was the one in the vehicle. He needed more. Plus, there was still the issue of his missing children. Had he killed them? If so, Hunter wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. Child killers were his most hated offenders.

  Talia was correct in that he hadn’t announced that he was an FBI agent and he wouldn’t have if she hadn’t backed him into a corner. He studied her as she squirmed. She was fit, well trained. Was she an assassin? “I’ll ask again. Who are—”

  Suddenly Talia was coming at him, her arms free. “How the hell—”

  He didn’t have a chance to ask the question as she launched herself at him. Again. Took him to the floor. Again. She was strong and she was quick, but he was stronger. He flipped her over and used his weight to pin her to the ground. She tried to wiggle free and his body responded. “Quit. Moving,” he ground out.

  “Let me go.”

  “I’ve never hurt a woman. Don’t make me break my clean record.”

  “I cannot breathe.”

  “You should have thought about that before you attacked me.” Still, he levered himself the slightest bit away. “This is your last chance. Why are you here?” When she still didn’t answer, he stood and hauled her to her feet. She tried again to break his hold but it was no use. He had a good ninety pounds or so of muscle on her. He dragged her to the dresser, rooted around inside and found a set of metal cuffs. He didn’t trust the plastic ones anymore. Once he had her hands manacled behind her back, he forced her to a chair. She tried to kick him and he smiled. He got one of her feet tied down, figuring that was enough. He stepped back, pulled out her gun and leaned against the wall, aiming it at her. “Do you have an answer for me now?”

  “You would not shoot an innocent citizen.”

  “From where I sit, you aren’t innocent. Hell, I’m not even sure you’re a citizen.” She was exotic and mysterious. She could be from any number of countries.

  “I am as American as you are, pig.”

  “Pig? Really?” He shook his head with a chuckle. “Not very original. And as much as I’m enjoying this tête-à-tête, I have things to do.” He whipped out his cell phone and faked punching in a number. “I’ve got one in custody. Suspected terrorist. Patriot Act rules apply.” She gasped. “I’m going to need an extract, stat.”

  “Fine, I will tell you.”

  The words were gritted out. “Hold on that extract.” He slid the phone in his pocket. Using the gun, he motioned to her. “Go.”

  “I really do not like you.”

  “I really do not care.” He started to lift his phone again. She made a noise of frustration.

  “I am on a mission to prove Senator Mullins killed his wife.”

  Hunter’s brows shot up to his hairline. He hadn’t been expecting that. It was a new one. He hadn’t even heard rumors of the sort.

  “Why do you think he killed his wife? She fell down a flight of stairs.”

  “Fell, or was pushed?”

  Hum, he’d never even considered that. “Who are you working for?”

  “Must I tell you?”

  “Only if you don’t want to be hauled off and strip-searched.” Damn, he sh
ouldn’t have said that. Now he was picturing himself doing the stripping and searching.

  “I am an agent with COBRA Securities.”

  Hunter’s jaw dropped. She worked for the famous security company? Actually, it made sense. The company had a rep for hiring the best of the best. It was obvious she was well-trained. “Who runs the company.”

  “Luke Colton and Logan Bradley.”

  She was correct, but anyone with access to the internet could find that out. “How do I verify you work for them? Should I call Colton or Bradley? Colton’s brother is a former agent.”

  “Please, do not,” she pleaded. When he just stared at her, she deflated like a popped balloon. “I have just hired on recently. This is my first assignment.”

  He was probably thinking with the wrong head, but he believed her. Now what to do about it? “Who hired you to find out Mullins killed his wife?”

  “His stepdaughter.”

  “Layla Brooks?”

  “Yes. She accused him of murder so he tried to kill her three times. She went into hiding. She is positive her mother kept a diary and if I can find it and she recorded the abuse she suffered over the years, it would help prove his guilt.”

  “So he’s a wife beater, too?” Just when he thought the man couldn’t be viler.

  “Mental abuse, but yes. He abused the children as well.”

  That was the final nail in Mullins’ coffin. He’d abused children. Mental, physical, it made no difference to him. He would relish in taking the revolting monster down.

  “That’s why you planted cameras and listening devices in his office? To prove he murdered Layla’s mother?”

  “No sense denying it. Are you going to arrest me?”

  “I’ll think about it. If I can verify that you do indeed work for COBRA Securities, then I’ll let you stay, but—”

  “There is always a but,” she muttered.

  He smiled. “We do this my way. You follow my lead. If I say run, you run. If I say bark like a dog, you start woofing.”

  “First you call me fat now you call me a dog. You are a real charmer.”


  Talia’s cell buzzed in her pocket…the secure COBRA Securities phone. Her eyes widened in panic. Did they have bad timing or what? “Release me now. I must answer that.”

  Hunter stared at her with a mocking smile. Then he prowled forward. “I’ll answer for you.”

  She gasped in horror. “Please, Hunter, it is so very important that I not get fired from this job. I will do as you ask if you release me. Woof, woof. See?”

  His lips twitched and he reached for her. Her eyes closed in resignation. He was going to blow it for her. She would have to go back to Israel and live under the dominating hand of her cruel father. Her lids snapped open when she heard a lock click and then her hands were free. She didn’t take time to thank him. She scrambled for the phone in her pocket, keeping an eye on him.


  “It’s Luke. Listen, there’ve been some developments.” He went on to tell her about the press conference tomorrow to announce that Layla Brooks was alive.

  She glanced at Hunter. He was standing close, trying to act like he wasn’t eavesdropping. She’d purposefully held the phone away from her ear so he could hear. He was a Fed, one of the good guys. She prayed she was doing the right thing trusting him. “I understand.”

  “You’re not alone,” Luke surmised.




  “Okay. I’ll let you go. The announcement will be at nine in the morning. Keep an eye on the target. He’ll likely go ballistic. Call if you need anything.”

  “Will do.” She disconnected and slid her phone back in her pocket. She took a deep breath and looked at Hunter. This was hard for her to do. “Thank you.”

  “So a press conference, huh?”

  She gasped in feigned outrage. “You listened to my private conversation?”

  “Yep.” He smiled unabashed and rubbed his hands together. “That’s Mullins’ yoga time. We need to guarantee he watches so we can gauge his reaction.”

  “You delay him a few minutes and I will make sure to have the television on in the exercise studio.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Kendall stepped up to the microphone and smiled at the impressive crowd of reporters gathered for the press conference. “Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming today. My name is Kendall Demarchis with TKO Productions. I know this was last-minute and we haven’t given you many details, but I promise you, it’ll be well worth your time.” She glanced around at the assembled crowd. “Sometimes in life, we have to make some very tough decisions. We do what we must to survive. Our client was faced with an unimaginable choice. Continue with her high-profile lifestyle or risk being murdered. Three attempts were made on her life. She knew that if she didn’t go underground, the person or persons responsible would continue their attempts until they succeeded. She is coming out of hiding today to help bring the culprit to justice and for another very important reason. I will let her explain. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Layla Brooks.”

  Gasps and shouts rang out from the crowd. Cameras snapped at a frantic pace as Layla stepped up to the dais. People were jostling for position, trying to get closer to the stage. Dorian and Alex flanked Layla while Luke stayed in the background, scanning the crowd and the surrounding area for any threats. They’d secured the perimeter of the building and checked ID’s to control who entered. Luke wore a hat and dark glasses, hoping to disguise himself from anyone who might recognize him from his impromptu trip to Mullins’ estate yesterday. Logan would be speaking on behalf of the company.

  Layla waited until the excitement died down before she spoke. “Hello, everyone. I want to echo Kendall’s sentiment and thank you for coming. I know this is a huge shock to all of you. I truly hate that I had to deceive you. I sincerely apologize for anyone who grieved for me. Please know that I never would have done this if not absolutely necessary. As Kendall said, three attempts were made on my life. After the third, I knew that the person responsible would not stop until I was dead. With the help of a trusted friend, I staged my death so I could work to bring this person down behind the scenes.”

  “Who was it?”

  “Have they been arrested.”

  “Were you hurt?”

  Layla held up a hand. “I’ll answer questions in a moment, but I will say that the person has not been arrested and I am not at liberty to discuss any suspicions yet. The reason I came out of hiding before the person was arrested is because of my siblings, Tiffany and Sean. I’m sure you know they’ve been missing for almost a year with no leads. I want to make sure all is being done to find them. I’ve hired the prestigious firm of COBRA Securities to track them down. I’d like to introduce Logan Bradley, co-owner.”

  Logan stepped up to the podium. “As Ms. Brooks said, she has hired my company to find her siblings. My partner, Luke Colton, and I are committed to doing everything in our power to bring them home safely. We want to assure Ms. Brooks and the children’s father, Senator Eugene Mullins, that we will leave no stone unturned. We will not rest until Tiffany and Sean are home safely.”

  “Do you think they’re alive?” a reporter asked.

  “We will operate under the assumption that they are alive, yes. There have been no credible ransom demands, nor any leads. But we will bring them home.”

  Logan stepped back and Layla spoke once again. “I’ll answer a few questions and then I’ll be sitting down for a formal interview to air on national television later today.”

  “Do you know who is trying to kill you?” a reporter from CNN asked.

  Layla paused. Luke prayed she didn’t blow this and name Mullins. “We have a few leads.”

  “Can you give us names?”

  She shook her head. “Not at this point.”

  “What attempts were made on your life?” another reporter questioned.

p; “I was run off the road but managed to walk away unscathed. The second time, someone took a shot at me. The brakes on my car were tampered with the third time.”

  “Who died in the car crash?”

  “A Jane Doe who was unidentified and never claimed. I hated the deception but please know that she was given a proper burial.”

  “Who helped you hide?”

  “I’m not going to answer that.”

  Kendall stepped up to the microphone. “That’s all the time we have. As Layla said, she will be sitting down with my colleague, Olivia Larrson, for an in-depth interview that will answer all your questions. Thank you for coming today.

  The crowd surged forward, shouting questions to Layla as Dorian and Alex ushered her away from the stage. Luke was so proud of her. She did a great job. He withdrew his cell and punched in a number. “How did he react?”

  “I would say he’s fighting off a stroke,” Talia replied, a hint of a smile in her voice. “His face was a lovely shade of eggplant. Seriously, I thought his head might pop off his shoulders. I taped it so Layla could enjoy it later.”

  Luke chuckled. “Good. He’s rattled. Alex, Dorian and Logan will be by soon to interview him and go through the house.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  He hung up and was about to slide his phone in his pocket when it rang again. He checked the display and then answered. “What’s up, Pete?”

  “Wasn’t Bev Shaw the name of the woman who betrayed Layla to her stepfather?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “They just pulled her body out of Wooten Lake.”


  Eugene Mullins tied his shoe laces and stood. He needed this yoga session to calm his nerves after seeing a ghost yesterday. How the hell could Layla still be alive? And how the hell did she just disappear into thin air? If Malone and Morris hadn’t been in the room, he’d have sworn it was a dream. A nightmare, more like it.

  He had to find her and fast. Everyone already thought she was dead. He’d make sure of it. He sent his men out to look for her yesterday but they came up empty. Maybe it had been a dream, after all.

  He supposed he owed Bev a measure of thanks for finding Layla and bringing her to him. Otherwise, he’d have gone about his business, blissfully unaware of his devious stepdaughter roaming free, plotting his demise. Well, too bad, sweet cheeks, he’d be the one doling out punishment. Layla Brooks would soon meet the same fate as Bev Shaw.