Saving Santa Page 4
"He probably did."
"Here was this pint-sized blond sprite and he wouldn't let me out of his sight. He clung to me. Rebel noticed and instead of making him angry that his son favored another man, he saw me as a babysitter. He agreed to let me in if I would look after his son. Heck, it was perfect, exactly what I wanted."
"Why didn't you grab RJ and run?"
"I thought about it," he admitted. "But if I just took him, Rebel would never rest until he had him back. I didn't want Cami or RJ to have to live looking over their shoulders the rest of their lives. Plus, there was something big going down. Rebel alluded to it and I knew I had to find out what it was so I could bring the group down and put Rebel behind bars for good."
"Did you?"
He took a deep breath, his ribs protesting. "I did. Human trafficking."
"Oh, God," Maggie breathed. "This is big. I mean really big."
Carter nodded. "I needed the pertinent details so I could call in the FBI and stop it. Rebel has a mole in the FBI and on the local police force so he was always warned of any raids. That's how they've managed to stay in business. Drugs, weapons, even prostitution. There are girls living at the Fort that are so addicted, they'll sleep with anything, and they do."
"So we need a plan."
His heart did that little flip again when she said we. "Yes, but I wanted to let my sister know I was okay in case she heard about the shooting. I can't get in touch with her. Let me try again." Carter punched the numbers, his stomach cramping when it went to voice mail again. "She's not answering and she was fired from her job. She had to keep it or risk being sent to jail."
"If you give me her address, I'll go check on her."
Carter stood. "We'll check on her." She started to protest but he held up a hand. "She's my sister."
With a reluctant nod, she gave in. "On my way home from work, I raided my brother's closet. She grabbed a duffle by the door. "You're about the same size so these should fit." She handed him the bag. "I snatched a parka, too, so you won't freeze."
He gave in to the urge he'd fought since the moment he met her. He pulled her close and covered her lips with his, absorbing her surprised gasp. He meant to keep it light—a thank you. But the second their lips met, passion exploded. He slanted his head for a better fit, and she opened to him, her hands twining around his neck as he pulled her closer.
The doorbell jarred them apart. They were both breathing heavy. "Your brother?"
She shook her head from side to side, seeming dazed. "I told him I'd kill him if he dropped by. I'll, um, just see who it is." Carter grabbed the bag and stepped into the bedroom out of sight. He dressed quickly, hearing the rumble of female voices.
"Carter," Maggie called out. "Your doctor would like to check on you."
He emerged to see the two women gazing at him expectantly. The woman who'd stitched him up was breathtaking. Her long blond hair was secured into a pony tail, her face scrubbed clean of make-up. They looked more like sisters than friends except that Maggie was about a head shorter. As beautiful as the doctor was, she paled in comparison to the feisty, spunky Magnolia Blossom.
"Dr. Amelia Howell," the woman said, holding out her hand.
"Carter McQueen." He snuck a quick peek at Maggie. She was mouthing his name, probably committing it to memory so she could use her resources and do a background check on him. "Thank you for taking care of my injuries."
"Mags did most of the work," she deflected with a wave of a hand as she probed the bullet wound. "I just did a little stitching and medicine-providing." She slanted a look at her friend. "She provided all of the tender, loving care."
A blush crept up Maggie's cheeks and she shot her friend an evil eye. "We're just leaving, Ame, so if you could please hurry this along…."
Amelia's eyes widened. "You shouldn't be going anywhere," she admonished in her doctor voice. "You need rest."
"It can't wait," Maggie said with brevity.
Amelia looked like she wanted to argue, so Carter filled her in. "My sister has a history of drug abuse," he admitted. "I can't get in touch with her and I'm worried."
"Ah," Amelia said. "Well, I'm off work so I'll come with you. She may need medical attention."
"Are you sure?" Carter asked. At her nod he added, "I appreciate it."
"I'll drive," Amelia said, leading them out the door. "My SUV is bigger than Mags' car and it will be easier for you to get in and out."
Carter gingerly pulled the seat belt over his bruised ribs and gave Amelia the directions. The apartment complex where his sister lived was nothing fancy, but it was clean and in a good part of town. They pulled up to the building. "That's her car," he said, indicating the battered Ford Focus. Then he saw the shiny chrome machine next to it. "And my bike. I don't have a good feeling."
He led them up the stairs. "I don't have my keys." He knocked on the door. "Cami," he called out. No answer. He tried the door but it was locked. "Stand back," he commanded, intending to bust it down.
"Wait." Maggie pulled something out of her pocket and bent to the lock. She worked magic and the lock clicked open.
"Impressive," he said. She smiled. Carter turned the handle and entered. "Cami?" The apartment was dark, all of the curtains pulled. His heart pounded. "Cami?" He entered her bedroom and found her on the floor by the bed. "Oh, God." He rushed over. "Cami, can you hear me?"
Drug paraphernalia was scattered around the room and she had a dusting of white powder on her nose. "Oh, Cami."
Her eyes fluttered open. "I'm dead," she murmured, sending a chill down his spine. "I must be. Rebel killed you." She tried to lift a hand to his face. "He killed my big brother." Her eyes rolled back in her head and she started to convulse.
"Stand back," Amelia ordered. "I've already called for an ambulance." She knelt down to administer aid. "Maggie, I need you to gather all of the drugs you can find here. Carter, watch for the ambulance and guide them here. It was close so they should be here any minute." On cue, sirens sounded. Carter opened the door and guided the medics in. Amelia barked out instructions as they injected fluids into Cami and loaded her to a stretcher.
"I'll ride in the ambulance. You two follow." She tossed her keys to Maggie and grabbed the bag of drugs that Maggie collected. "I'll meet you in the waiting room as soon as I know anything." Then she was gone.
Maggie took his hand. He was stunned to realize he was shaking so bad he could hardly walk. She guided him out of the apartment and closed the door. Once they were in Amelia's SUV, she reached out and covered his hand with hers. "Amelia's amazing," she said. "She'll take care of your sister."
He nodded not trusting his voice. He couldn't get the picture of his little sister out of his head. He'd let her down again. He felt like this was all his fault. "She thought I was dead," he murmured.
Maggie squeezed his hand. "She probably couldn't face the pain of thinking she got her brother killed. She's got your genes, so she has to be tough. She'll pull through."
He took a deep breath and released it. "I hope you're right. RJ needs his mom."
They drove through heavy traffic to the hospital. Maggie parked in the Emergency lot. He started to open his door but her hand stopped him. "I hate to bring this up, Carter, but after your sister is better, she'll still need help. How will she take care of RJ once we get him out?"
As worried as he was about his sister, hearing her saying they would get RJ out made him happy. "I need to talk to a lawyer," he admitted. "I'll take care of him until Cami cleans up."
She smiled. "I think that's a great idea. I can put you in touch with a firm we use. They're the best in town."
He wrapped a hand around her neck and pulled her forward. "I don't know how I would manage this without you. Thank you." Then he kissed her again. As before, the kiss quickly turned heated. He reluctantly broke the kiss, brushing a thumb over her cheek.
He opened the door but Maggie stopped him. "Here, put this on…just in case." She handed him a kni
t cap. "We don't want anyone recognizing you."
"Good thought." He tucked his hair in the cap and tugged it low. Then he pulled the collar of the jacket Maggie loaned him up around his ears and zipped. "Good to go."
They walked into the crowded emergency room, searching for two seats together. Carter kept his head down, not making eye contact with anyone. Before they took a seat, a nurse approached carrying a clipboard. "Hi, Maggie."
"Hi, Jeri Lou."
"Dr. Howell asked me to take you back when you arrived. If you'll follow me."
They padded down the sterile hallway, the overpowering scent of disinfectant making his nose sting. She led them into a private waiting room. "Dr. Howell will be in to see you soon."
"Thanks, Jeri Lou."
Carter was too wired to sit. He paced the small space, ripping off the hat and running his hands through his hair.
"Don't worry," Maggie crooned. "Amelia's the best."
On cue, Amelia walked in. Carter held his breath. Maggie grabbed his hand, offering her strength. He clung to it like a life-line.
"She's going to be okay."
All the air rushed out of Carter's lungs and he staggered. Maggie's firm grip was the only thing keeping him steady.
"You saved her life, Carter."
His head jerked up. "Me?"
She nodded. "If you hadn't insisted on checking on her, she would've died. We got to her in time and were able to pump most of the drugs from her system."
"You get all the credit. You knew exactly what to do."
She smiled. "All part of the job. Cami's awake right now but probably not for long. This took a lot out of her."
Carter took a step forward but Amelia placed a hand on his arm to stop him. "She's sick, Carter. She needs help." His gut clenched. "I've talked her into entering an intensive treatment program, but she'll be gone for at least three months. She'll start detoxing soon and she won't want anyone around, and you wouldn't want to see her like that. So this will be the last time you see her for a few months."
Carter nodded and then followed Amelia out the door. Maggie released his hand. He lifted his brows in question. "You need to see her alone. I'll wait here."
He leaned down and kissed her, not noticing the satisfied smile on Amelia's face.
"I'll be back soon."
Amelia led him to Cami's room. His sister looked so small and fragile. As soon as she saw him, she held out her arms and burst into tears.
"Oh, hey, Cami." He hurried to her side and hugged her, trying his best to avoid the various tubes hooked to her body. When did she get so thin? She couldn't weigh 100 pounds. He released her and grasped her hand. It was ice cold. "Don't cry."
"I thought you were dead," she wailed. "Rebel bragged that he killed you and that I would never see you or RJ again." She accepted the Kleenex he handed her and wiped her nose. "I thought I got my big brother killed. I'm a terrible mother. I had nothing to live for."
He brushed the baby-fine hair off her face. "I'm sorry I didn’t contact you sooner. I was out of it for a couple of days. But I've got all I need to bury Rebel for good. He'll rot in prison."
"RJ?" Her watery eyes were hopeful.
"I'm getting him out, Cami. You need to get well so you can take care of him."
She looked away and wiped her eyes. "I have to go away for a little while."
"I know."
Tears welled again. "I'm so sorry I disappointed you, Carter."
"Hey, you didn't disappoint me, sis. I'm the one who wasn't around to help you sooner."
She waved a hand. "Doesn't matter. I know I don’t deserve one, but I have a favor to ask."
A tear rolled down her cheek and her voice broke. "Will you take care of RJ until I get better?"
"Of course."
She sighed in relief. "Thank you. Knowing he's safe will make all the difference. And I promise I'll get better this time. When are you picking him up?"
"Soon," he hedged. He just needed a plan. "I don't know how Rebel found out about me."
Cami looked away in shame. "It was my fault. I thought Trigger was loyal to me. Rebel was all set to name you his second, even had you sit in on a big meeting, I guess?" Carter nodded. "Trigger got jealous. He thought he should be the second, so he ratted you out. Rebel brought your bike to me and told me he'd killed you and the bike was proof. I'm so sorry, Carter."
"Don't cry." He wiped the tears leaking down her face. "It wasn't your fault. You trusted him."
"But he wanted you dead."
"But I'm not, so don't worry about it. You just focus on getting better."
She nodded but tears welled again. "I love you, Carter."
"Love you too, sis."
Chapter Seven
Maggie's adrenalin was pumping. She was going out into the field!
After they'd left the hospital, they swung by Cami's apartment so Carter could pick up fresh clothes. When they arrived home, they stayed up all night formulating a plan. It was a good one.
She prayed it would work.
Luke and Logan, her COBRA bosses, would have a cow if they knew what she was up to, which was why she hadn't told anyone except her two brothers, whom she made pinky swear to keep quiet until the designated time. Pinky swears were sacred in her family. Both of her brothers had a fit until she told them her back-up was Delta Force. They grumbled they were tougher, but they respected his training. She wrapped her ponytail into a bun and secured it into place. Then she pulled on a black knit cap that covered all her locks. She wore no makeup and had added dirt smudges to give the look of homelessness. If she were caught, she'd play the part of a vagrant. A battered coat covered the black turtleneck and black pants. She adjusted the Kevlar vest under her clothes. Carter had one, too. The vests were bullet and stab proof, military grade. They were the best on the market. They only weighed about five pounds and were completely concealed beneath their clothes. She slid on a pair of decrepit boots to complement the look. Inside a boot went her weapon, a combat knife, and a cellphone. She inserted the earpiece with an invisible wire attached that transmitted sound to Carter. He would warn her if anyone approached. She snuck all of the supplies out of the COBRA stockpile. She kept inventory, so it was easy to do. She'd pay if anything was damaged or destroyed. Otherwise, she'd just return it when they were finished.
She stepped out of the bathroom and met Carter's gaze. His sinfully sexy mouth quirked up. "Magnolia Blossom, is that you?"
"In the flesh," she said, with a flourish of her arms. "Let's get this show on the road."
"Hold up."
She stopped and turned, her brows raised in question.
Carter framed her face in his hands, his gaze boring into hers intently, almost reverently. "I can't thank you enough for what you're doing for me, for Cami and especially for RJ." His lips covered hers in a tender kiss, one that brought tears to her eyes for its sweetness. She was falling hard for this man…scratch that…had fallen hard. She loved him. There was no doubt in her mind. He was strong and capable and kind and smart and he loved his nephew even though he'd just met him. He was everything she wanted in a man and she didn't plan on letting him go—ever.
Much too quickly he ended the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. His thumbs were stroking her cheeks. "I never dreamed, when I was running for my life, that I would find my soul-mate."
Maggie's heart stopped. Did he mean it? Did he love her, too? She did the only thing she could to combat the feelings: she resorted to comedy. "Kidnapped, you mean."
He chuckled and brushed a kiss across her lips. "If you want to get technical. But I think you kidnapped me from the moment we met. My heart at least." One last kiss and he grabbed her hand, leading her out the door.
Oh no. He couldn't make an admission like that and just walk away. "Stop." She dug in her heels.
As if he could read her mind he just tugged harder, forcing her to stumble along in his wake. "Let's go Magnolia Blossom or we'll be late. I want to
get to RJ as soon as possible."
How could she argue with that? But she made a mental note to bring up the topic of who held whose heart as soon as they returned.
Carter pulled up to the ramshackle building that comprised the Floyd Gang headquarters. The Fort, as Rebel called it, used to be a two-story hotel, so there were several bedrooms for gang members. The center gathering space was filled with beat-up couches, TVs and a fully-stocked bar. Rooms surrounded the main living area. Carter's was in the back on the lower level, close to the rear exit. He felt better about Maggie going in alone since she'd be near a door. He knew he'd have to get used to her taking on dangerous assignments after she talked her bosses into putting her into the field. And he had no doubt she would. She was relentless. And she had mad skills.
They'd gone over the plan until she could recite it backwards. He'd drawn maps showing her exactly where to find the stash and how to access it. As long as all the crew had left for the party, they shouldn't have problems. But a trained Special Forces operative learned to always expect trouble.
He parked the bike they'd picked up from Cami's apartment behind a storage building with a clear view of the back door. It had a keyless entry. He prayed Rebel wasn't smart enough to change the sequence. Hell, Rebel thought he was dead, so why bother making everyone learn a new code?
Maggie slid off the bike and tugged off her helmet. Adjusting her knit cap, she spoke softly into the mic. "I'm going in, wish me luck."
She started for the door but Carter snagged her arm.
Her gasp sounded in echo, also coming through the mic. Then he pulled her in for a soul-searing kiss. She was risking her life for him, for his nephew. His heart felt like it would jump from his chest in worry and in love. Yeah, he loved her, had from the moment he saw her adding her twenty-seven cents into the kettle outside the store. She was tough and brave, but vulnerable and sweet. She was gorgeous without putting any effort into it. She looked as good dressed up as dressed down, like she was now. She was funny and smart and everything he never dreamed he'd find. She was breathing heavy when he ended the kiss.