Saving Santa Page 6
How this precious child could share genes with such an evil father, Carter would never know. And he vowed RJ would never learn just how evil his father was.
"Getting the car," Maggie announced, hurrying from the room.
Carter followed with RJ in tow. They'd just made it out of the main room unnoticed when RJ's head shot up.
"We have to go back. I have to get Puddles."
"How about if I get you a new Puddles."
Big fat tears appeared in RJ's eyes and he frantically shook his head. "My dad wouldn't let me have him after Thunder left but someone brought him to me tonight. I have to get him." The tears rolled down his cheeks.
He'd had such a rough life. Carter couldn't deny him anything. He lowered RJ to the ground. "You wait right here and I'll get him for you."
"But you don't know what he looks like."
"I'm Santa, I know all."
RJ nodded sagely and Carter hurried back to find the stuffed dog he'd gifted his nephew. He spotted it under the table and grabbed it by the paw. He'd almost made it back to RJ when a voice stopped him.
"What the hell are you doing with my kid? You a pedi-o-philly or something?"
Carter took a deep breath and turned to face the man who'd tried to kill him. "Just taking him to the restroom," he growled, working to control the anger pulsating through him.
"He's mine, I'll take him. Get over here, kid."
RJ ran to Carter and wrapped his hands around his legs. "No," he whispered.
"Looks like he doesn't want to go with you."
A look of menace crossed Rebel's face. "Get over here now you little shit." He reached for RJ. Carter intercepted, applying force to the pressure point in Rebel's hand, rendering him immobile.
"The kid said no," he snarled. He turned to his nephew. "RJ, go over by that door while Santa has a little talk with the mean man."
RJ shook his head. Carter kept the pressure on, knowing he would have an irate Rebel when he let to. "Go," he said forcefully. He didn't want RJ anywhere near when the shit hit the fan in about five seconds. RJ recognized the authority in the tone and scurried for the door. Praying that seeing Santa beat the crap out of his dad didn't scar RJ for life, he focused on his opponent. He let go of the pressure point as he brought his elbow up in a horizontal uppercut. He unleashed several Muay Thai techniques on Rebel, who was clearly overmatched, even with Carter's injuries. With one final blow that put Rebel down, he grabbed RJ's hand and fled out the door.
"Get. Them," Rebel croaked to his cronies, who'd come running when they heard fighting. The mustang zipped in front of the door. Carter jerked the door open and launched them inside. Maggie stepped on the accelerator. The tires squealed in protest and the back end fishtailed. She was smiling.
Carter quickly pulled the belt over both he and RJ, praying that Maggie was as good a driver as she claimed.
"He sent the troops after us, so they'll be on our tails," he said.
Maggie took her eyes off the road and smiled. Then she held out her hand. "Not the ones parked out back."
With a whoop, he scooped the spark plugs out of her hand and rolled down the window. He dumped them out, letting out a very fitting rebel yell. Then he heard the sound of engines in the distance.
"Well, shoot," she said, looking in the rear view mirror. She patted the dash. "Let's see what Sally can do."
"Sally? Mustang Sally? You're kidding me, right?"
She shrugged. "'Fraid not."
"Your brother a Wilson Picket fan?"
She chuckled. "No, my brother's a major dork." Shifting into gear, she punched the accelerator harder, shoving them against the seat.
"Precious cargo," he reminded her.
She glanced at RJ. "Right. Slowing down a notch." She weaved expertly in and out of traffic, making lights as they were changing and turning corners like a pro. Still, a couple of the motorcycles were keeping up with them.
"You could drive in Indy, Danica," he said in awe.
"I know, right?" Her smile was huge. "Now hang on. Here's where it's going to get tricky."
Just as she said the words, a huge truck pulled out of a side road into their path.
"Watch out," he yelled as she expertly weaved around the cab and gave a honk. The truck proceeded to block the road. Maggie turned down a side alley and whipped into an open garage door. They barely cleared the opening when someone jerked the door closed, locking them in the dark.
"What the he…ck," he said, his mouth gaping.
A man leaned in the window, his smile as wide as Maggie's. "Carter, this is my brother, Ethan."
"Pleased to meet you," Ethan extended a hand through the window to shake hands. Carter was still in shock.
"And who is this little guy?"
"I'm RJ," he said in a strong voice. "That was fun!"
Maggie held up her hand and he high-fived her. Carter choked back another lump in his throat.
"The truck driver?"
"My other brother, Noah."
"You didn't think to tell me about this important part of the plans?"
"What, and ruin the fun?" Her grin was huge.
He shook his head and opened the door.
"You didn't hurt Sally did you?" he heard Ethan grill Maggie as he stroked a loving hand down her racing stripe.
"Like anything short of a bomb could damage this baby," she scoffed.
Carter walked around and shook Ethan's hand again. "Thank you," he simply said. It wasn't enough. These people had risked life and auto for him and his nephew. He owed them big-time. Especially Maggie. He wanted to lean down and taste those smiling lips. Would have if not for the rapt audience. The garage door jerked open and they all spun around.
Another tall, blond man scooted under the door and pulled it closed again. "Worked like a charm," he boasted. "They motored right past us."
Maggie rolled her eyes and jerked a thumb in his direction. "It was his idea so now he's gonna brag."
"Who me," Noah said, his smile eerily similar to his sister's. "Noah Addison."
"Carter McQueen," he said "And this is RJ."
"Pleased to meet you, RJ."
"You, too," RJ said. Carter had never seen him so animated. He was practically vibrating. He was usually scared of strangers but he'd taken to the Addison clan like they were family.
Carter froze. Family. If he married Maggie, they would be family.
"Hey, you big galoots," she said to her brothers. "Let's give Santa and RJ a little space. They need to talk." She ushered them to the back of the garage.
He bent down until he was eye level with his nephew. "Remember what you told Santa you wanted for Christmas?"
RJ nodded, his eyes wide.
Carter took off the hat, then the fake hair and beard.
"Thunder!" RJ screeched, launching himself into Carter's arms. RJ tried to climb his body like a ladder. "I know you wouldn't leave me, that you would come back for me. My dad said he'd killed you but I would have felt it here if he did." RJ pounded his chest and Carter didn’t even try to stop the tears.
"I'll never leave you again, buddy."
"Pinky swear?"
Something else he had in common with Maggie. He and Cami had always sealed every deal with a pinky swear and he taught that to RJ. Carter hooked his finger around the much smaller one. "Pinky swear."
Chapter Ten
Later that night, Carter and Maggie sat on the floor in front of the glowing fireplace, the lights of the Christmas tree the only other illumination. Her living room looked like a toy store exploded. A very large, well-stocked toy store. Paper, ribbons and toys were strewn everywhere.
"How did you manage this?" he asked in awe. When they brought RJ home, the floor surrounding the tree had been covered with packages, all for RJ.
She shrugged and took a sip of wine. "I might have asked a couple of my friends to help." She'd asked her good friend, movie star Jade LaRossa Bradley, the wife of one of her boss
es, if she could pick something up for RJ. Unbeknownst to Maggie, Jade activated the phone tree, calling their friends, Jac Dianetti and her step-daughter Lauren, and Rachel Colton, Violet Kincaid, Kendall Buckley and April Dennis, significant others of COBRA agents to help with the project. The result was an over-the-top Christmas that RJ was likely to never forget.
"I've never seen him so happy," Carter murmured, looking at the innocent little boy passed out on the sofa with a huge smile on his face.
Carter insisted that Ethan and Noah spend the evening with them. Their parents were on a Christmas cruise to the Bahamas, so it was just the siblings this year. She didn't know who enjoyed the toys more, especially the video games: RJ or her goofy brothers. She thought they might spend the night battling zombies or the undead or whatever the mutant creatures were on the game they were playing, but they finally tore themselves away to head to the house they shared.
RJ let out a little snort and rolled over. She smiled. He was precious. "What are you going to tell him about his mom?"
"I'm not sure," Carter admitted. "She has a long road to recovery ahead of her. I don’t want him to see her until she's well."
They'd called Amelia once the mission was complete. She promised to let Cami know RJ was safe. Hopefully that would encourage her to recover quicker.
"He loves you," Maggie remarked.
"The feeling is mutual," he said with a smile. The smile disappeared. "And the feeling's not just for him."
Maggie swallowed. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? "Carter—"
Maggie's cell phone stopped her question. She checked the display. Luke Colton. They'd called Luke and Logan as soon as they had RJ safe and told them everything. They were seriously annoyed that Maggie hadn't told them about the plans earlier but like the professionals they were, they rounded up the necessary forces, picked up the evidence Carter gathered, and took charge of the raid. "Luke?"
"Hi, Mags. Sorry to call so late, but I thought you and Carter would want to hear this." She put the phone on speaker. "The information you provided was crucial," he told Carter. "The gang tried to pick up the kidnapped women at midnight but the FBI was able to intercept. That, paired with the other information you gathered will cripple the group, and the outfit in Chicago."
Maggie squeezed his hand when he closed his eyes in relief.
"Bastard's kid had just been abducted and he didn't even bother to report it, nor did he seem concerned. But, apparently he didn't want to go to prison. He was KIA in a shoot-out with authorities. He died at the scene, along with another member, Travis Kopp."
"The only two casualties, I'm happy to say."
The breath Carter released was huge. "Thank God. It's over."
"There will be some questions for you in the next few days, but relax, recuperate and have a Merry Christmas."
"I'm sorry you had to do this on Christmas Eve," Maggie said.
"I'm not. Because of Carter's work, there are twenty-four girls who'll be reunited with their families tonight. I'd say you couldn't ask for a better Christmas present."
After they said their goodbyes, Carter pulled her into a hug. "I couldn't have done it without you." Then he kissed her, letting her feel his love for her. She ran her hands down his stomach but he stopped her before she reached her goal. "Let me put RJ to bed. He hasn't slept in days and though he could probably sleep through Armageddon, let's not take any chances. He's already seen Santa beat the crap out of his dad. He doesn't need to see what I'm about to do to you."
She ran a finger up his chest. "And what's that?"
He wagged his eyebrows. "I'm going to give you my Christmas present."
"Christmas present…is that a euphemism for your…" He shut her up with a kiss. "Be right back."
RJ didn't wake as he carried him to Maggie's extra bedroom. Carter tucked Puddles in his arm and pulled the blanket around his tiny body. He brushed a kiss across his forehead and then left the light on beside the bed. He didn't want RJ to panic if he woke in the middle of the night in a strange room. He left the door partially open so he could hear if he called out. Then he returned to Maggie and proceeded to make love to her in front of the twinkling lights of the soaring Christmas tree.
Maggie traced the stitch-covered hole where Carter had been shot. He could've died. She knew his Delta Force work was extremely dangerous but he'd quickly become everything to her. She couldn't stand the thought of losing him.
Luke had approached her with the idea of offering him a job with COBRA. They were always on the look-out for qualified agents and Carter fit the bill. Luke was really impressed with the work he'd done taking down the gang and with his impressive list of medals from his work in the Army. She hadn't said anything to Carter yet, but she thought it would be a perfect fit. Especially if they let her in the field, too, and Luke was reluctantly accepting of that as well. They could be partners.
She reached into the branches of the Christmas tree and plucked out a small box. "I have a gift for you, Carter." She bit her lip and handed it to him. "I didn't have time to shop, so it’s not much."
He accepted the box. "Are you asking me to marry you?" Her stomach lurched. Yes, she wanted to say. "Smartass. Just open it."
He grinned that silly grin and lifted the lid. Inside was a single key. He picked it up and gave her a questioning look. "It's the key to my house," she explained. "I thought you might need a place to live and I've got all of this extra room—" His hands framed her face and he silenced her with a passionate kiss. "It's absolutely perfect," he breathed against her lips. "I have something for you, too."
"You mean," she gestured between them. "More than the perfect gift you gave me earlier?"
He chuckled and kissed her again. "Yes, and I plan on re-gifting that present later." Another kiss and then, "Wait there." He stood and padded down the hall, totally uncaring of his nudity. Not that he should care. His body was amazing.
It took him a long time. She assumed he'd just go grab something and be back. The doorbell rang and Maggie shrieked. It was after two in the morning. Who could it be? And more importantly, she was bare-ass naked! It rang again and she was afraid it would wake RJ. She wrapped the blanket around her body and hurried to the door. Looking through the peep-hole, all she could see was red velvet. She flipped the deadbolt and threw open the door. "Aren't you supposed to use the chimney?"
Carter "Ho, ho, hoed," looking incredibly sexy in that red suit. Who knew she had a thing for jolly, fat men?
"Santa didn't want a toasty backside, thank you very much." He ushered her inside and guided her over to the sofa. She had to swipe a mound of toys off before they could sit. He grasped both of her hands. "Have you been a good girl this year, Magnolia Blossom?"
"Define good," she muttered.
Carter burst out laughing. "God, I love you." He tugged her in for a kiss. Maggie was too stunned to respond.
When he pulled back, she couldn't keep the shock from her voice. "Do you?"
"What? Love you? Oh, yeah. With all my heart."
"Oh Carter, I love you, too! I know we haven't known each other long, but—" He silenced her again with a kiss. She'd get annoyed if his kisses weren’t so addicting.
"You're not letting Santa get a word in, Magnolia Blossom."
She was really starting to love that name.
He lifted the small sack—which she just realized was a pillowcase from her bedroom—and withdrew a single small package. "For you."
Maggie's hands shook as she accepted the box. She lifted the black velvet lid and gasped. Inside was the most beautiful diamond ring she'd ever seen.
"It was my mom's," he explained. "I picked it up when we went back to Cami's apartment. Carter took it from her numb hands and lifted out the ring. "Merry Christmas, Magnolia Blossom, or should I say Marry Christmas, as in will you marry me? Before you answer, as you said, we haven't known each other long, so we can have a long eng
agement, get to know each other better. But I want to spend my life with you. Also, you should know I come with some pretty heavy-duty baggage. I don't have a job and then there's RJ…"
"Oh yes, Carter, I'll marry you. Today, tomorrow, next year. I don't care. All I want is you."
"Pinky swear?"
"Pinky swear."
About the Author
Velvet Vaughn is the author of The List, The Fan, Committed, Violets are Blue, and Trust No One, the first five books in the COBRA Securities series, as well as the Christmas Novella, A Christmas Miracle. The sixth book in the COBRA Series, Hide and Seek, will be published soon.
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From Velvet
Thanks so much for purchasing Saving Santa. I hope you enjoyed the story of Carter and Maggie. If you did, I would appreciate you leaving feedback at or Goodreads. Thank you!
The next book in the series, Hide and Seek, will be released soon. It's the story of Taylor Hudson and Dante Costa, the COBRA Securities Agent from Trust No One.
If you would like to read the story of one of the characters from my books, let me know. You can reach me through the contact page on my website or my Facebook Fanpage. And I'd love for you to join my Street Team. All the details can be found on my website.
Thank you again for your support!