Golden Girl (COBRA Security Book 16) Page 7
“Time for practice, Aurora,” she called out when the girl had yet to acknowledge her. God, Aurora was trying. If it weren’t for the kids at the community center, she’d be completely soured on coaching forever. Then she thought of Jamal and his eagerness to learn. Aurora could take lessons from him.
“Later,” the girl called out.
Peyton gritted her teeth. Just a few more days, just a few more days, she repeated in her head. Then she’d walk away from the gorgeous house with the incredible pool and never look back.
“Now. You three, leave.”
The two boys grumbled as they sloshed through the water to the ladder. Julia shoved hanks of hair off her face to reveal rivers of black beneath her eyes. She climbed out behind them while Aurora stayed in the water and stared daggers at Peyton.
“Call me later,” Aurora called after her friends. Then she turned to face Peyton and crossed her arms with a glare. “You didn’t have to be so mean to them.”
Peyton dropped the swim cap and goggles on the edge of the pool and gathered her temper. “Aurora, I’m your coach. I tell you to do something, you do it. No questions asked. I know you have no desire to take your swimming to the next level and after State next weekend, you can do whatever you want. But until then, I’m your coach.”
“What do you mean I can do whatever I want after State? Are you suddenly going to turn into a nice coach?”
Just a few more days, just a few more days had become her mantra. She really hoped she hadn’t been this irritating to Kurt. “No, I won’t be your coach anymore. Your parents will have to hire someone else.”
Aurora’s spine stiffened. “You’re quitting?”
“My contract is up. I’ll be focusing on my career.”
“But…you can’t leave. I’ve already registered for several events once school’s out.”
“Yes, and if you follow what I teach you, you’ll be prepared until the new coach arrives. I’ve already put out feelers, so you won’t be without a coach for long.” She’d even considered her former teammate Lotus Geary, who taught yoga classes at the gym Peyton attended, but decided against it. It would be like selling a car you knew was a lemon to your friend…not something she could do. Besides, Lotus was getting married—oh, gosh, tomorrow. She’d completely forgotten. If Noah was staying, he could be her date. That sent a delicious shiver down her spine. Aurora was staring at her strangely. She cleared her throat. “Now start your warm-ups.”
Aurora swam to the edge of the pool and fitted the cap over her hair. “Did you get the gift?”
“What gift?” Peyton asked distractedly as she accessed the workout she’d designed on her iPad.
“The medal I left on your door.”
The iPad squirted out of her hands and Peyton barely managed to snatch it out of the air before it hit the water. “You left the medal for me? Why?” Noah was way off base. It wasn’t a stalker after all.
Aurora shrugged as she fitted her goggles in place. “I found it outside on the gate with your name.”
“It was just hanging on the outside gate?”
“It was in an envelope, but it came open and the medal dropped out, so I just hooked it over the knob. Who sent it to you?”
“I’ve no idea.” Noah’s theory was back on.
When Aurora pushed off to begin her warm-up laps, she jogged over to Noah. He looked up from his phone.
“The print on the medal was probably Aurora’s.”
His brows raised in surprise. “She left it for you?”
“She found it outside the gate in an envelope with my name on it. She hung it on the door for me.”
“And she wouldn’t have thought about leaving fingerprints.”
“Our suspect list just opened up again.”
Noah thought they’d narrowed it down to people who’d been on premises, but now it could be virtually anyone.
Chapter Five
When Peyton returned to coaching Aurora, Noah called his bosses. He didn’t plan on charging Owen—this was a favor for a brother in arms—but he needed to let them know what was going on. After he explained the situation, they insisted that it was a COBRA Securities operation and that he had the full resources of the offices. Man, his bosses were the best. He couldn’t imagine working for a better organization. Logan and Luke were not only cool, but they were his family, as were all his coworkers—Ethan, Maggie and Carter literally. Each assignment was important and exciting, fueling the adrenalin junkie in him.
Next, he called BeBe Davis, their office manager extraordinaire, asking her to locate a property close to the Benton’s house they could rent. The neighborhood was exclusive and there wasn’t a hotel close. The tough part of the deal would be convincing Peyton to relocate with him. He didn’t want to be far away from her in case the stalker made his move and he didn’t think it’d be right for him to stay in the pool house. They’d either need to explain to the parents what was happening and Peyton didn’t want that, or they’d have to pretend to be a couple and that wouldn’t be a good example to set with an impressionable teenager who was already testing her wings.
BeBe called back five minutes later. Somehow, someway, she’d waved her magic wand and found a house down the street. She texted him the code to the security gate. He shook his head. Many of his coworkers joked that she was part witch because there was no task she couldn’t handle, no challenge too big or too small. He believed it.
Finally, he called his brother to let him know he’d be staying for however long it took to find out who was sending the notes. Ethan wanted to drive up and help, and Noah told him that he might take him up on the offer, depending on how the investigation went or if the stalker ramped up his threats.
He hung up and watched Peyton pace the length of the pool. She was an excellent coach. Swimming had been one of his passions growing up. He and his siblings spent so much time in the water, it’d become a second home. If it wasn’t a pond in the commune they currently called home, it was the neighborhood pool when they visited their grandparents. Joining the Navy had been a no-brainer and then the SEALs the next step. It was all about the water.
From what he could tell from one session, Aurora had raw talent. Peyton was trying to coax it out of her, but the teen was either uninterested or lazy. He could read the frustration on Peyton’s face from the distance. She was the most elite athlete in the sport. She’d demand that from anyone she coached. It was obvious that this wasn’t a good match. Though Aurora might have the talent, she didn’t have the discipline. She’d never be an Olympian.
The phone on the table beside him buzzed. He reached for it and realized it was Peyton’s cell. He didn’t want to interrupt her session, even after it buzzed two more times and then chimed a text. Someone really wanted to get in touch with her.
Deciding he was making sure there wasn’t a serious problem, he turned the phone over and read the text on the screen. He heard a growl and realized it was coming from him. The text was from Mark, the basketball coach. He couldn’t wait to see Peyton tonight and he’d pick her up at six. Noah glanced at his watch. It was a little after four now.
Peyton was crouched down watching Aurora stroke through the water. Why hadn’t she told him she had a date tonight? Well, she wasn’t going. That’s all there was to it. And it wasn’t just because he was jealous…strike that. It wasn’t that he was jealous. Peyton wasn’t his. He didn’t want her to take unnecessary risks until they uncovered the stalker, that was all.
Liar, his brain whispered. He ignored it.
Finally, Peyton blew the whistle. “One hour for dinner and rest and then I want you back here for more training.”
“But it’s Saturday,” Aurora whined.
“State is less than a week away. You can’t afford days off.”
Aurora ripped off her goggles and jerked herself out of the pool, sending water sluicing off her body. She didn’t acknowledge Peyton as she grabbed her towel and stalked to the house.
“She’s a treat.�
Peyton shook her head. “She has such potential. I really thought I could motivate her, but she just doesn’t have the drive.”
Trying to look deceptively nonchalant, he nodded towards the table and said, “Your phone’s been ringing like crazy.”
“I hope it’s not Owen.” She snatched it up, her brows dipping as she read the text. Then her shoulders sagged. “Oh, gosh, it’s from Mark. I completely forgot.”
Peyton stared at the text from Mark, not understanding the meaning at first. He was picking her up. Why? They certainly didn’t have a date. Then realization dawned. “Oh gosh, I completely forgot.”
Noah was looking at her expectantly. “There’s a fundraiser at the community center tonight. After everything that happened, I completely forgot.” She checked her watch. She needed to shower and change, and it would still be cutting it close.
“Peyton, until the stalker is caught, I don’t think you should go.”
“I have to.” They’d used her name as a draw to bring in potential donors, so she had to attend. “I’m giving a speech.” That she hadn’t even had a chance to write. She’d have to wing it.
“Then I’m going too,” he insisted.
She eyed Noah’s attire. Though he looked positively mouthwatering in Owen’s t-shirt, the arms stretched over his bulging biceps, and tactical pants with boots, it didn’t quite qualify for black tie. “It’s formal.”
“Got it covered.”
She could argue that she didn’t need a bodyguard, but the thought of walking into the event on his arm sent another delicious shiver down her spine, reminding her of the first one. “I have to attend a wedding tomorrow, too.”
“Have to as in you’re in it?”
“Have to as in she’s one of my closest friends in the world. We were teammates for several years. Lotus is a…free spirit. I guess that’s the best way to describe her.”
Noah chuckled fondly. “I know all about free spirits.”
A sudden stab of jealousy pierced her. She couldn’t picture Noah with a woman like Lotus, who meditated and taught tantric sex classes. “You do?”
“My parents.”
That surprised her. “Really?”
“Oh yeah. Grew up on a commune where free spirit was the rally cry.”
“I want all the details.” She wanted to know everything there was to know about the man who’d appeared in her life when she needed him.
“It’s a long story and we need to get ready. When and where is the ceremony tomorrow?”
“At ten in the morning north of here. Zion. It’s on a beach along Lake Michigan.”
“Great,” he grumbled.
“If you want to shower, then go first. It’ll take me longer.”
He pushed up from the lounge chair. “I’ll grab my bag from the SUV.” He stopped suddenly and turned around. She jerked her gaze from his firm, excellent butt to his devastatingly handsome face to find a knowing twinkle in his eyes. Busted.
“You better let that Mark guy know you’re riding with me.”
“How did you—?” He’d already taken off for the SUV at a jog. The snoop had read the text message. Once he and his excellent physique were out of sight, she dialed Mark’s number. She’d specifically told him she’d meet him there, and not as a date.
“Hey, Peyton. Thank God. I was getting worried when I couldn’t get in touch with you.”
What was with the smothering? They’d only gone out once. “I got your message, Mark. I don’t need you to pick me up. I’ll drive myself.”
“It’s not a problem. I’ll just swing by after I get ready and we can chat first, maybe have a glass of wine.”
She sighed. It’d been a mistake to accept the first date with him. She never would have if she’d known he’d become so clingy. “Look Mark, I don’t mean to hurt you, but I’m bringing someone with me.”
Silence. Then a low, “Who?”
“A friend.”
“Is it that big guy from this morning?”
No sense in lying since Mark would see him there. “Yes.”
“Dump him, Peyton. I’ll take you. We’re good together. Give me a chance.”
How many times could she say no to someone? She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but he refused to listen to her. “I’m sorry Mark. I’ll see you there.”
She disconnected before he could voice his objections and headed inside her apartment. She’d told him so many times that she wasn’t interested. She agreed to their one and only date after he’d worn her down. Mistake on her part.
Pushing thoughts of Mark aside, she grabbed a bottle of water from her fridge. Noah returned with a black leather garment bag and a small duffel.
“I’ll be out in a few,” he said before disappearing into her tiny bathroom. She gathered the dress she’d purchased for the event, underwear and shoes. The gown featured a fitted top with a tulle skirt in a shimmering gold. She’d prefer to wear a different color, but it was always expected that she’d wear the color.
Her eyes widened when Noah stepped out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam. He was clean-shaven, wearing black dress pants and a white oxford that he’d left unbuttoned. Her mouth watered. The hard ridges of his abs were on display and she longed to run her fingers over the bumps.
“All done,” he said.
Shaking the lust-filled thoughts from her head, she gathered her clothing and brushed by him, her knees weakening at the delicious smell of woodsy cologne and virile male. She wasn’t sure she was strong enough to hide her growing feelings for her brother’s best friend.
Knotting the navy tie, Noah finished dressing and waited for Peyton to emerge from the bathroom. Tossing a suit into the SUV was a last-minute decision he was glad he’d thought of. There was no way Peyton was attending the event alone, and no way in hell he was letting Mark take her.
His phone chimed a text. He pulled it from his pocket and read the note from Peyton’s brother, her very overprotective brother. She’d been right about that.
She agree yet?
Damn, didn’t Owen trust him? Yes.
Thank the good Lord, was Owen’s quick response.
Whatever he planned on typing back was lost when Peyton emerged from the bathroom. She wore a shimmery gold dress that molded to her athletic figure and showcased all her curves and muscles. Her blond hair was piled on her head in some kind of intricate twist with a few strands surrounding her heart-shaped face. He’d never seen her with make-up of any kind. Though she didn’t need it, she was the most stunning woman he’d ever seen.
“You, uh,” he had to clear his throat. “You look beautiful,” he said in a huge understatement. She was gorgeous.
A pink blush tinged her cheeks. “Thanks. You, too.”
“You ready?”
She nodded and grabbed a small purse from the island. He escorted her to the SUV and opened the passenger door. She gave a surprised yelp when he lifted her inside. He rounded the hood, feeling very much like he was taking the prom queen out for a first date. But it wasn’t a date. He was protecting her. He’d best remember that.
He waited until they were down the road before he broached the subject he needed to address. “I’m not going anywhere until this guy is caught.”
“I really think you and Owen are overreacting,” she protested.
“I don’t and I’m not willing to risk it. Along those lines, this person knows where you live. He managed to leave you messages without being caught. That means he can get close, maybe even someone you know. It’s not safe for you to stay in the pool house.” He glanced at her to gauge her reaction. She seemed to be listening intently. “I’ve secured a safe house down the street.”
“You rented a house?”
“My firm did, yes. And I think it’d be best if you stayed there while you finish your contract.”
He braked in a line of tr
affic. She twisted in her seat to face him. “You want me to move into a house with you?”
Why did he like the sound of that so much? “Yes, so I can monitor who comes and goes. It’s close enough that you can coach Aurora without interruption.”
Noah’s brows lifted and he turned to her. “Okay? Just like that?”
She readjusted in her seat until she was facing forward again. “I trust you and if you think it’s what needs to happen, then I’ll do it.” She held up a finger. “But I still want to go on record as saying that I think you’re completely overreacting.”
“Noted,” he said, a relieved smile curling his lips. He thought he’d have to do some serious negotiating to get her to agree, but she’d surprised him.
Another finger, “Also, I retain the right to say no if you to tell me to do something I don’t want to do. I’m a grown woman and I make my own choices. I’m not going to take unnecessary risks. And,” she continued when he opened his mouth to argue, “I know you’re the professional and I will bow to your expertise. But don’t think it’s something that will sit well with me or something I’ll do unrelated to the situation.”
He wondered if she’d take his orders in the bedroom and then squashed the thoughts down.
“Now shush so I can work on my speech.”
He glanced over at her. “Did you just shush me?”
She smiled cheekily. “I did.”
Her smile widened as she scribbled notes on a sheet of paper. He pulled into the parking lot of the community center twenty minutes later and found a spot close to the exit. It’d be a longer walk, but he didn’t want to get pinned in and it allowed for a quick escape if needed. He shut off the engine and jumped out, hurrying to open Peyton’s door and lift her from her seat. Once she was on the ground, she smoothed the wrinkles from her dress and threaded her arm through his as he guided her inside, his gaze scanning the area for any threats. A valet station had been set up for the rich donors expected to attend the event. A queue of expensive cars were already lined up waiting to be parked. A middle-aged woman with short brown hair and a sparkly blue dress stood at the door with a clipboard in her hand. She squealed when she spotted Peyton and ran up to hug her.