Face the Music (COBRA Securities Book 9) Read online

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  “Tell you what.” He pointed. “Up ahead is a parking area. Pull your car in there and I’ll drive you to the offices. Alex isn’t available but I’ll help you.”

  Why the hell he offered his services, he wasn’t sure. Alex was available and Luke didn’t take cases anymore. Still, he felt protective of her. She was his…had been since the moment she crashed into him.

  She studied him, as if trying to gauge his sincerity. He stared back, not breaking eye contact. Finally, she nodded. “Fine.” She fumbled with her keys and they dropped to the ground. He reached for them at the same time and when their hands touched, sparks shot up his arm. He jerked up. She was staring at her hand, obviously having felt the same jolt.

  What the hell was he doing? She was a potential client and he didn’t get involved with clients. He’d been tempted before, sure, but he’d never crossed that line. Besides, he’d been dating Sheryl for a few months and she was pushing for more. They hadn’t talked about exclusivity and he wouldn’t even call her his girlfriend. The sex was fantastic, but he didn’t love her and never would.

  He’d been burned badly before, so he didn’t trust easily. He’d planned on marrying Daisy and had even given her his mother’s ring. Then he found out she was screwing his partner, Aaron. The betrayal had cut deep. Strangely enough, it was his partner’s disloyalty that hurt the most. He trusted Aaron with his life…but that didn’t include his soon-to-be-wife.

  He probably owed his former partner thanks for opening his eyes to Daisy’s philandering ways before he married her. He thought he loved her, but she’d been ridiculously easy to get over. And thanks to his younger sister, Kaitlyn, he had his mother’s ring back.

  It’d been Kaitlyn who spotted Daisy and Aaron kissing under the bleachers at a high school baseball game. He didn’t want to think about the reason Kait was under the bleachers…making out with her now-fiancé, Dan Bradley. Kait confronted Daisy and demanded the ring back. It wasn’t until after the break-up that Kaitlyn told him how she felt about Daisy. He’d been floored. That she’d held her feelings inside both angered and humbled him. She wanted him to be happy, she told him. If Daisy made him happy, then she would learn to get along with her. He was glad she didn’t have to do that now.

  The woman’s keys jangled as she opened her car door, jarring him from his memories. He waited until she slid inside and closed the door.

  “Go ahead and buzz her in, Tuck,” he said to the agent manning the gate. “I’ll escort her to the office.”

  “Will do, boss. See you in a few.”

  Luke slipped his glasses back on and ambled to his Escalade. A curious shot of adrenalin pumped through his veins. He hadn’t felt this way in a while. Most of his days were spent in the office, meeting with clients, consulting on cases and building the business. He loved his job and thrived on it, but sometimes he missed the action of the field.

  He wouldn’t lie and say that some of the excitement wasn’t an attraction he felt to the petite woman. She had a grace, a beauty, that shabby clothes and a bad haircut couldn’t hide. He now realized she dressed that way on purpose. She was hiding from whomever “him” was. He couldn’t wait to hear the entire story.

  Tucker released the lock on the gates and they spread open. The woman motored the beat-up compact car through the entry and pulled into their visitor lot. He stopped behind her car and waited with the motor running. She looked a little nervous about getting inside with him, but as he watched, she steeled her spine and climbed aboard.

  He realized he had no idea what to call her. He waited until she was seated inside with the door closed before he asked, “What’s your name?”

  “It’s La…Monica.”

  “LaMonica? That’s different.”

  She cleared her throat. “Sorry, something in my throat. Just Monica. Monica Webb.”

  “Nice to meet you, Monica. I’m Luke.” Normally, he’d offer his hand to shake, but after that brief episode with the keys, he didn’t know if his system could take another shock.

  He pulled forward and stopped at the manned gate. Tucker hobbled out with his hand crutches. He’d lost his legs in Iraq, but that didn’t stop him from getting around. Luke pushed the button to lower the window. “How’s it going, Tuck?”

  “Not bad.” He pulled out an iPad. “This our visitor?”

  Luke nodded. “Monica Webb.”

  Tucker entered the information into the system. Luke knew he’d enter her plates as soon as they drove away. They could never be lax with security. Most of the men and women had served in the military or government. Some, like him, were ex-cops. They all had enemies who’d love nothing better than putting a bullet in their heads. Their security was multi-layered and cutting edge. It would take an act of God for someone to breach their defenses. They liked to brag that they were safer than Ft. Knox…and they probably were.

  “Got it, boss. Call me if you need me to escort her out.”

  “Will do, Tuck. Thanks.” He rolled up with window, noting how she’d stiffened.

  “You, um,” she cleared her throat, “you’re the boss?”

  “That I am.”

  “Of him or everyone?”

  “Everyone. I’m the Co of COBRA Securities. I founded the company with my partner, Logan Bradley.”

  Her mouth rounded in an adorable O. “I’m sorry, Mr. Co…”

  “Colton,” he told her. “But you can call me Luke.”

  “I’m sure there is someone else who can help me, Mr. Colton…Luke,” she corrected at his look. “I don’t need to take up your time. I’m sure you’re busy. I just need a bit of advice, that’s all.”

  She needed more than advice, judging from the look of stark terror. And yes, he could pass her off to one of their agents. They were all capable. But selfishly, he didn’t want to let her go.

  Chapter Three

  Senator Eugene Mullins sat at his desk and fumed. Someone, somewhere knew where his children were and they weren’t telling him. The high-priced detective he’d hired to track them down thought he had a lead in upstate New York, but he’d yet to lay eyes on the kids.

  Eugene wanted them back, now. Not because he missed the brats, but because he was afraid of what they might know. He was gearing up for a run at the presidency, his life-long goal. He didn’t want those two showing up at the last minute and ruining everything. Their bitch mother had snooped around where she didn’t belong, but at least she wasn’t a threat anymore. He’d made sure of it.

  He’d instructed the PI to locate them and bring them back. He’d decide what to do with them later. There was one important reason he needed them alive…their dead sister’s bank account. He hadn’t realized Layla changed her will. Her old one had her mother inheriting everything. He’d banked on that. Anything belonging to his wife would become his per the law. But the bitch had changed the beneficiaries to her siblings with a ton of stipulations. He felt certain he could bypass the terms, but he needed the children alive to access the accounts. Layla had been worth millions, possibly billions. The money was just gathering dust in a bank somewhere. He needed it to fund his campaign and pave the way to the White House.

  His cell rang and he checked the display. As if conjured from his thoughts, it was the private investigator. “You got news for me?”

  “Maybe. I’m following a lead now. They’re headed west but I’m a few hours behind.”

  “Any clues to who has them?”

  “The same description as before. A woman with stringy brown hair and brown eyes.”

  “It has to be that cook I fired,” Mullins fumed. She’d been too easy on the kids, fixing them whatever they wanted. They’d adored her and had been devastated when he fired her, as had his wife. She must have taken the kids to get back at him. “Keep me posted.” He hung up and dropped the cell on the desk. He was attending a fundraiser tonight and he needed to be sharp. He had the press eating out of the palm of his hands. They worshiped him. He was a tragic hero, carrying on in the face of unspeakable t
ragedy. He smirked.

  Checking the time, he punched a button and summoned Hunter Malone. The man had only been with him for a few weeks, but he’d proven himself with his sharp mind and instincts. Hell, Malone had saved his life when some drunk tried to rob and kill him. Malone had been fresh from a prison stint, insisting it was a bum rap. Mullins gave him the benefit of the doubt. He didn’t like to bring new people on board, especially after the last one turned against him, but with his presidential run gaining steam, he needed additional security personnel. He hadn’t intended to include Malone in his inner circle, the group entrusted with all his treasured secrets, but he’d changed his mind after seeing him operate. He was calm and composed and had a head for business.

  A knock sounded on the door and he called out to enter.

  Malone stuck his head inside. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, I wanted to make sure security is tight for tonight’s fundraiser.”

  “It is. I’ve gone over the plan with the event staff and we’re all on the same page.”

  “Good. Good. Make sure to send a car to pick up Ms. Garcia and bring her here. We’ll leave at six. I want you riding with us in the limo. Black tie.”

  Malone nodded and departed. Eugene smiled, picturing the woman who would be his date tonight. He’d always had a thing for exotic, dark-haired beauties. He’d married Linda because he knew she’d make a good politician’s wife. She was still young and biddable and would embrace her hosting duties. Plus, she already had a daughter. He needed a wife and family to move up the political ladder. He didn’t want kids and he’d been livid when Linda got pregnant with the twins. He’d even accused her of having an affair, which she’d tearfully denied. He’d stalked out of the house and headed straight to his doctor for a vasectomy, something he should’ve done years ago.

  Marriage to Linda didn’t stop his cravings for beautiful women and he indulged regularly. She never found out about the affairs. He’d been very discreet. But now that she was six-feet under, he was free to philander.

  He lifted the lid on the brass humidor on his desk and extracted a Cuban. Even though the cigars were legal now, they felt like a guilty pleasure. He ran the stick under his nose and inhaled the rich, earthy aroma. Ah. Life was good. He had money, an impressive career, a beautiful woman on his arm. All he needed was to find his children…and silence them.

  Chapter Four

  Layla tried not to tremble as Luke led her into the beautiful four-story building made of wood, limestone and glass. The floors were marble and the décor was classy and elegant. Large plants added a tropic feel. From somewhere, she heard a fountain gurgling. Framed pictures depicted stunning landscapes. He guided her to an elevator so she didn’t get a very good look at the first floor. When the doors opened, a man stepped out reading his phone and almost crashed into them.

  “Heads up, bonehead.”

  The man glanced up and his eyes widened. “Oh, sorry, bro.” He indicated his phone. “The old ball and chain.”

  “Don’t let Rachel hear you call her that,” Luke smirked.

  “No kidding. After mastering Costa’s hand to hand combat class, she can seriously kick my behind.”

  “How’s she feeling?”

  “Great. Me, not so much. Breakfast today consisted of brownies covered with mustard.”

  “Gah,” Luke recoiled. “And you ate it?”

  “She got all teary-eyed when I made a face, so of course I ate it.”

  “You are so whipped.”

  “Yep.” The man smiled. “I swear, this kid’s going to come out looking like Big Bird with all the mustard she’s eating. I’m buying it in bulk. Funny thing is, she hated it before.”

  Luke laughed and Layla caught her breath. Unsmiling he was gorgeous. Smiling, he was lethal.

  “Ben, this is Monica Webb. She’s a potential client. I’ll be handling her case.”

  Ben’s brows raised at Luke and then he turned to her, smiled and held out a hand. “Nice to meet you, Monica. You’re in good hands. He’s the best.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she murmured. She still had trouble making eye contact with people. She was in constant fear that she’d be recognized.

  “Go take care of my sister-in-law and niece or nephew,” Luke said.

  Ben saluted and jogged out the door. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Webb,” he called over his shoulder.

  “My younger brother,” Luke explained when they were alone again.

  “His wife’s pregnant?”

  Luke nodded and smiled again and flip, went her heart. Why did this man affect her so? She’d been thinking of him for a month, practically super-gluing him on top of a pretty high pedestal. No man could live up to her expectations. Then why did she get the feeling he did?

  Once they were inside the elevator, he pushed the button for the fourth floor. She fidgeted, trying very hard to keep from fixing her hair. Suddenly, her shabby appearance seemed all wrong. She didn’t want Luke seeing her like this. The doors opened and he held them for her to step out first.

  A beautiful red-head zipped up to them in a wheelchair, and executed a half-turn. “Hey, boss.”

  “Hi, BeBe. Here you go.” He handed her a bag.

  “You are the best,” she gushed, peeling the sides open to peer inside the sack. “Thank you.”

  Luke smiled at her and squeezed her shoulder. “You deserve it.” He turned to Layla. “BeBe, this is Monica Webb. She’s a potential client. I’ll be meeting with her so if anyone calls for me, Jane can take a message.”

  BeBe shook Layla’s hand. “Got it, boss.”

  Layla followed him down a hallway decorated with landscapes and black and white shots of what looked like a college campus. As she catalogued features of the office, she realized it was completely handicap accessible, from the widened door frames to the smooth surface of the marble on the first floor and wood on this one. She’d noticed automatic buttons to operate the doors to the building, making it easy for BeBe to enter and exit without assistance. Even her desk was situated the appropriate height for her to work comfortably, with clearance beneath for her wheelchair. The hall was wide enough for her to turn around when necessary.

  A woman was walking towards them with a young girl about five years old with long black ringlets. The little girl was pushing a stroller taller than she was. Layla smiled and then glanced at the woman and gasped. It was Juliet LaRue! Oh, no, they knew each other. They’d shared hosting duties on the Grammy’s three years ago and had hit it off. They went to an after-party together and had gossiped like old friends. They’d kept in touch…until Layla had to disappear.

  “Unca Luke!”

  The little girl squealed and then ran forward with her arms extended. Luke picked her up, tossed her in the air and gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek. “Hey, Bella-Bella.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck like a python. Layla’s breath caught in her throat. He was a natural with children. The little girl eased back and pulled a package from the back pocket of her jeans. Her tongue was caught between her teeth as she ripped something off and smacked a hand against Luke’s forehead.

  He blinked and eyed the little girl. “What was that for?”

  She covered her mouth and giggled, burying her head against his neck.

  “Bella just decided that she wants to mark things that are hers,” Juliet said. “So you, dear Luke, have been claimed in the name of Isabella.”

  Tears popped into Layla’s eyes at the sparkly red heart and the look of unabashed love on his face for the little cherub in his arms. She glanced at the woman again. When she knew Juliet, she hadn’t been married but now she sported a large rock on her left ring finger. Could this little girl be hers? And the baby? She didn’t look like she’d just given birth.

  Luke walked over to the woman and kissed her cheek. “Hey, Jade.”

  Jade? Then he bent down to coo at the baby in the stroller, all the while, he cradled the little girl to him naturally. “Hey sport.” He rubbed the b
aby’s tummy.

  He stood and turned to her. “Monica Webb, this is Jade, Isabella and Christopher Bradley, my partner’s family.”

  Knowing she wasn’t Juliet LaRue, just a doppelganger, eased some of Layla’s tension. She smiled but it froze on her face at the intent look the woman was leveling at her.

  “You look familiar. Have we met?”

  Layla shook her head. “I’m sure we haven’t. Though when I first saw you, I thought you were Juliet LaRue, the movie star.”

  The woman glanced at Luke but before she could speak, the little girl bounced up and down in Luke’s arms and clapped her hands. “My mommy is a star! She plays pretend and people call her Juliet! I’m going to be a star when I grow up, just like Mommy.”

  Layla tried to smile at the little girl but her lungs had stopped working. If Jade/Juliet studied her closely, she might figure out who she was and her ruse would be blown.

  As if sensing her tension, Jade/Juliet said, “You already are a star, Bella. And we need to be going.”

  “I wanna stay with Unca Luke,” the little girl pouted as she wrapped her arms around his neck again. It looked like she might be cutting off his airway, but he didn’t complain.

  “Come on, Bella,” Jade/Juliet said, holding out her arms. “Unca Luke needs to get back to work.”

  The little girl sighed like it was the biggest sacrifice. She gave him a smacking kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”

  Luke hugged her close. “Love you, too, Bella.” He looked like it was killing him to let her go, but he handed her over to her mom.

  “Nice to meet you, Monica.” Again, her look was probing but she just smiled and headed down the hallway, the kids in tow. “See you later, Luke,” she called over her shoulder.

  Layla’s heart was still pounding. The threat of exposure had her palms sweating. “Was that really Juliet LaRue?”

  Luke nodded. “She’s married to my partner, Logan.”