Face the Music (COBRA Securities Book 9) Read online

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  “I didn’t realize she had two kids.”

  “She just had Christopher. Isabella is Logan’s daughter from a previous relationship. Jade adopted her when they married.”

  “They seem very happy.”

  “They are.”

  Luke ushered her to the end of the hall and opened a door, letting her enter before him. His old-fashioned manners were melting her, bit by bit. The men she knew in the music business were all out for themselves. She couldn’t remember the last time a man held the door open for her before Luke.

  “Go ahead and have a seat. I need to let my secretary know to hold my calls and speak with my partner. I’ll be right back.”

  Layla walked inside and tried not to gawk at the amazing office space. Two of the walls were floor-to ceiling windows overlooking the lake and woods. It brought the feeling of the outdoors inside. The floor was made of dark hardwood. A massive desk took advantage of the views. A sitting area with a couch and chairs, along with a large screen television mounted on the wall were off to one side. She wondered if the closed door was a private bathroom. The space was both classy and comfy. Not a bad space to spend eight plus hours a day. Apparently, COBRA Securities did extremely well.

  There were large, thriving plants in here, as well, giving off precious oxygen. Someone had an amazing green thumb or else they had one whopping landscaping bill. One wall held an array of certificates, photographs and children’s colorful drawings. A disturbing thought struck. Was Luke married? He didn’t wear a ring, but some men didn’t. She’d fantasized about him for a month. To find out he was wed to another would crush her. Her gaze landed on the drawings again. Did he have children of his own? Was that why he was so good with Isabella? Before she had a chance to scrutinize the photos, looking for any shots of him standing next to a veiled beauty in a white dress, the door opened and a woman breezed inside.

  “Hello, Ms. Webb. I’m Jane, Luke’s secretary. He asked me to bring you something to drink. Coffee? Tea? A soda?”

  “Just water would be fine. Thank you.”

  After saying she’d be right back, she left to fetch the water. Layla’s heart started pounding. This was real. She was standing in the offices of a major security company and she was going to ask for help.


  After stopping by his secretary’s office, Luke knocked on Logan’s door.

  “Come in.”

  He stuck his head inside. “Hey, you have a minute?”

  “Sure.” Logan motioned him in. He chuckled. “I see you’ve been claimed, too.”

  Luke noticed the sparkly heart on Logan’s forehead and laughed. He pulled his off, intending to add it to the drawing Bella made for him yesterday. “I just wanted to let you know I’m working on a case.”

  Logan’s dark brows raised. He peeled his sticker off and attached it to the photo of Isabella on his desk. “You don’t want to pass it off to someone else?”

  Luke shook his head. Monica’s case was his, had been since their encounter last month. He stepped inside and closed the door. “Remember the woman I told you about in New York?”

  Logan dropped his pen and stood. He rounded his desk and leaned back against it, crossing his arms. “The woman who literally crashed into you?”

  “That’s the one. She’s the case.”

  Logan’s eyes widened. “No kidding? How did you find her?”

  “I didn’t. She found me.” He explained about driving up to the gate to find her standing there. “She watched the coverage of the Vigilante case and wanted to speak to Mylonas. That’s why she was at the television station last month.”

  “So she came to talk to Alex. Why not pass her off to him?”

  Luke couldn’t explain the instant pull he felt for her. It wasn’t just that she was terrified. He’d been accused of having a White Knight complex before. It was something else deep inside that drew him to her. Chemistry, maybe? “I’ve been carrying around a ton of guilt ever since that first meeting. I could tell she needed help and I didn’t go after her. It’s a second chance.”

  Logan nodded slowly. “Any idea why she waited so long to try again to talk to Alex?”

  “No, but I’m about to find out her story. I’m not sure how long it’ll take.”

  Logan waved a hand. “I can take the conference call by myself. If something comes up, I’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “Let me know if you need any assistance.”

  “Will do.”

  Luke turned to leave, fingering the puffy sticker in his hand. What the hell was he doing? When he and Logan first started the company, they’d handled all the cases themselves along with Logan’s brother Dan. But as their reputation circulated and business took off—skyrocketed really—they had more work than they could handle. They hired more staff and he and Logan transitioned into management roles. Sure, they consulted on every case, provided assistance if needed, sat in on brainstorming sessions. But they always passed the lead on to one of their capable agents. Now here he was, committing to a case without even knowing the circumstances. He had several agents who could handle the job—including Alex Mylonas, the man she’d originally come to see. But as he opened the door to his office and saw her standing in front of the windows, he knew he wasn’t giving this case up.

  Chapter Five

  Layla’s breath caught when Luke entered his office. He was so large, and not just in size. His presence seemed to engulf the space, making it hard to breathe. He walked to a bulletin board that held several drawings and attached the heart Isabella had marked him with earlier. Then he turned to her.

  “Jane brought you something to drink?”

  She held up a bottle of Dasani. “Yes, thank you.”

  “Why don’t you have a seat and you can tell me your situation.” He indicated the plush leather chair in front of his desk.

  Layla padded over on shaky legs. Did she have the courage to tell this man her story and ask for help? She closed her eyes to gather strength. She had to trust somebody, so she started talking before she could stop herself. “I’m on the run from an abusive…situation. I had a friend helping us but he recently passed away.”


  Layla’s eyes rounded. She hadn’t meant to bring Tiff and Sean into the conversation unless necessary. Her heart told her she could trust Luke, but her head was still cautious. “Uh, yes, my, um, children.”

  Luke’s voice was gentle. “Where are they now?”

  Layla’s heart thumped against her chest. “They’re locked in a motel room not too far from here.”

  “You’re afraid to be away from them.”

  She jerked her gaze to his. It wasn’t a question, but a statement. “How did you know?”

  “The pulse in your neck is triple-timing it.”

  Her hand strayed to her throat and she nodded. “I don’t like to be apart from them. I’m worried for their safety.” Suddenly, the situation crashed down on her. What was she doing here, leaving them alone? They were ten years old, too young to be by themselves. Her vision blurred. Something told her to run. To go to her siblings. She jumped to her feet. “I’m sorry, I need to use the ladies room.”

  “There’s a bathroom right back there.” Her gaze followed the finger he pointed. He meant the one attached to his office. She doubted she’d be able to crawl out a four-story window.

  “Thanks, but I saw one down the hall. I’m sure it’s the one your clients usually use. I’ll go there.” She grabbed her purse.

  “Ms. Webb, you’re welcome to use mine.”

  “I need…items available in the ladies’ room.” She could feel the blood rushing to her face. She hated lying to him but her heart felt like American Pharaoh trying to gallop out of her chest. She feared she was having a panic attack.

  Luke smiled and nodded, not the least bit embarrassed she’d basically told him she needed tampons. “Take your time.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be right back.” Not. She had to get to Se
an and Tiff.

  She hurried out of his office and glanced over her shoulder. Thankfully, he didn’t follow. She jogged down the hall and almost took a header over the wheelchair that suddenly veered in her path. “I’m so sorry.”

  “My fault,” BeBe said with a smile. “Dan is always telling me I need one of those beeping backup signals.”

  She smiled distractedly and angled around her to shoot out the door.


  She didn’t stop at BeBe’s summons. She saw a sign for the stairs and headed for it, not wanting to take time for the elevator to arrive. Shoving the door open, she ran down the steps and almost collided with a huge blond man with sparkling blue eyes.

  “Ah, sorry about that,” he said with an Australian accent.

  “My fault,” she apologized, continuing down without stopping.

  “Can I help you?” the man called after her but she was already to the door. As soon as she exited, she scanned the area, trying to gather her bearings. The facility was huge. Several large buildings were scattered around. Off in the distance, she could see houses that overlooked the lake. At any other time, she’d love to explore, but she was on a mission to get back to her siblings. She spotted the guard shack but it was far away. It would take her forever to get there. She took one step when she was almost flattened by a red golf cart. The woman driving had long black hair pulled into a pony tail and she wore a visor and sunglasses.

  “Can I give you a lift somewhere?”

  Her savior. “Yes, my car. It’s in the visitor lot.”

  “Hop in.”

  She slid inside and the woman motored forward. “Are you an agent?”

  The woman chuckled. “Heck, no. I’m a chef. My brother and fiancé are both agents…well, Luke owns the company.”

  Layla jerked her gaze to the woman. “Luke’s your brother?”

  The woman smiled and nodded. “Well, more than a brother actually. He raised me and my brothers.”

  Layla’s mouth dropped open. Luke had raised his siblings, too? Maybe she could trust him after all. He’d understand the sacrifice she’d made to keep Sean and Tiffany safe. Still, the burning need to go to them was overwhelming in its intensity.

  The woman tooted the horn and waved at the man inside the booth. Tucker, she remembered Luke addressing him. Then they rolled to a stop beside her car, the only one in the visitor lot.

  “So are you doing business with COBRA Securities?”

  She shook her head as she stepped out and attempted to jam the key into the lock. It was tricky with shaking hands. She hoped the woman didn’t notice. “Just a consultation. Thanks so much for the ride…I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

  “It’s Kaitlyn.”

  “Thanks, Kaitlyn. Have a great day.” The lock finally clicked and she slid inside her car and cranked the engine. She could feel Kaitlyn’s eyes on her, probably trying to figure out her story. She rolled down the window. “Do I need someone to open the other gate?”

  “It’ll open automatically when you approach,” Kaitlyn told her.

  “Thanks, again.” She waved and closed the window. Kaitlyn turned the golf cart around and motored away with a wave. Layla breathed a sigh of relief. She reversed out of the spot and then forced herself not to punch the accelerator to the floor as she headed back to the motel.


  Luke checked his watch. Monica had been gone almost ten minutes. He hoped she felt okay. She’d gone pale right before she fled his office. He stepped out into the hall and spotted BeBe. “Can you check on Ms. Webb? She’s been in the ladies’ room a while.”

  “Oh, she left.”


  “Took off like a bat out of hades. She almost ran me over, which is funny since I’m usually the one mowing people down.”

  “She almost ran me over, too,” Wyatt Hollister added. “In the stairway.”

  Luke bolted down the steps and pushed out the door. Kaitlyn was motoring his way.

  “Did you see a woman—”

  “Brownish hair, glasses?” When Luke nodded, she did, too. “I just drove her to her car.”

  Luke cursed and dashed to one of the fleet SUV’s parked near the building. He’d driven a golf cart to work so his vehicle was still parked at his house across the compound. Too far away. Something had spooked her and it had to be the mention of her children. She didn’t need to fight this battle alone, especially if she had kids to worry about. He’d find her, convince her to bring the children along while he figured out how to help them. They’d be safe here.

  He sped out of the lot and waved distractedly to Tucker as he passed. When he exited the driveway, he turned left towards town, where most of the motels were located. The highway was narrow, windy and dangerous, especially if you weren’t familiar with it. Thankfully, he knew the road like the back of his hand. He caught up to her in minutes, huffing out a relieved sigh. He stayed back far enough so she wouldn’t spot him on her tail. She was being cautious on the roads, braking when she approached a curve. Soon, she was turning into the lot of a chain motel. She drove around back and parked, resting her head against the steering wheel. Luke angled into a spot down the row and watched her, trying to decide if he should approach her or just watch and wait.

  Movement caught his attention. A maid was escorting a man to a door. She knocked and when no one answered, she pulled out a set of keys. Monica’s head snapped up and her eyes rounded in horror. He was out of his SUV, his SIG Sauer in his hand before he realized it. He darted to her car and held a hand for her to stay in the vehicle. She looked shocked to see him, but she nodded.

  “Your kids in there?”

  She nodded, tears filling her eyes.

  “Close the door and lock it.”

  Keeping one hand on his gun, he approached the unit. Using his cell phone, he surreptitiously snapped a picture of the man. He was about six-one or two, with a muscular build. His nose had been broken a time or two and his dark hair was buzzed short. A scar bisected one eyebrow. Tattoos peeked from under the collar of his shirt. “Can I help you?”

  The man’s posture changed from relaxed to alert. He eyed Luke and then laughed self-deprecatingly. “Locked out of my room.” His smile was challenging.

  Luke refused to break the stare-down. “Do not open that door.” His voice was lethal and the maid instantly paused. “This is my room.”

  “I don’t think so.” The man reached for a gun but Luke had his pointed at the man’s head before he could draw.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  The maid screamed so loud, Luke was afraid his eardrum had shattered. Before he could react, the man shoved her into him and bolted.

  Luke tried to brace the woman as they crashed to the pavement. Stars exploded in his eyes when she landed hard on top of him, his head bouncing against the pavement. He tried to move her aside so he could go after the suspect but she was babbling in Spanish, trying to help him up. All she ended up doing was hindering him instead. Some part of his brain registered Monica rushing past him and into the room. The door slammed and locked.

  It took him a moment for air to reflate his lungs so he could speak. He touched the back of his head, surprised his fingers weren’t covered with blood. “Are you okay?”

  “Si, si. He told me it was his room. I am so sorry. I do not want to lose my job.” She was twisting her hands and glancing around the parking lot.

  He surveyed the area to make sure the man was gone, but he’d heard the screech of tires peeling out of the lot. Monica’s family were sitting ducks in the motel. He needed to get them to the safety of the compound. He had a clear-cut case for having the maid fired, but he sent her on her way, instead. He didn’t have the heart to cause her to lose her job. Her actions could have been disastrous, but they got there in time. Hopefully she would think about this next time someone tried to sweet talk their way into a room without a key.

  He fired off a quick text to Peter Dennis, the COBRA Securities techn
ical guru, and attached the picture. He wanted all the details on the man, down to whether he wore boxers or briefs. After he slid his phone in his pocket, he rapped on the door. “Monica?”

  The door opened the width of the security chain. “Is he gone?”

  He glanced around to be sure. “Yes, but we need to get out of here before he returns.” Before he could call in reinforcements.

  She nodded and closed the door to unlock the chain. He got his first look at her children. Twins. They were around the same age as Dante Costa’s son Kai. Ten or so. They both had black hair, but he didn’t think it was the real color. The boy wore chunky black frames like Monica and the girl wore red ones. Both seemed to be shaken up.

  Monica quickly packed their belongings in a bag.

  “Is there anything in here that you absolutely need?”

  She paused and shook her head. “No, but we don’t have many clothes. It’s easier to travel light when we have to run.”

  “Somehow, they tracked you here. Your car was at our offices, but he zeroed in to this room. It’s something in here.”

  “We don’t have anything that hasn’t been with us since we went on the run except for clothes.”

  “Cell phones? Computers? IPad?”

  She shook her head. “We left everything. My cell is a disposable I picked up last week.”

  “Oh no.” The words were whispered so low, Luke almost missed them. The little girl held up a stuffed animal.

  Luke crouched down and smiled, trying to ease the worry from her face. “What’s your name?”

  She glanced at her mom and then said, “Ariel. That’s Leo.” She pointed to her brother.

  “Nice to meet you, Ariel, and that’s a pretty name.”

  “I think so, too,” she grinned.

  “Do you want to be a mermaid?”

  Her eyes widened. “Yes!”

  He smiled, charmed by her sweetness. He patted the bear. “He’s cute. Where did you get him?”

  It was Monica who answered. “A fireman. Our house…burned down.”

  Wow, they’d been through so much. “I’m sorry.” He stood, his knees protesting the crouch. “I need to check the bear.” He regretted having to destroy it, but there was no choice. Someone tracked them to this motel and he needed to find out how.